Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade 1 Families,
Term 4 has started off with a lot of fun and new learning! We have so happy to share our learning with you.
In Synthetic Phonics, our students have been learning syllable division. We have learnt our Rabbit Rule, Tiger Rule and Camel Rule. This helps us to decode and write longer words. Our new heart words we have learnt are ‘money’, ‘done’, ‘Earth’ and ‘another’.
In Reading, we have been learning about Animals and their Habitats. This has taught us about living things and what they need to survive. We have explored various habitats so far such as the Arctic, Sonoran Desert, East African Savannah and the Temperate Deciduous Forest. We have learnt what kinds of animals and plants live there. This unit has also taught us how these animals and plants have adapted to their environment. Our students have been really engaged while reading and responding to their learning about this topic with their peers and teachers!
In Writing, our students are learning how to write an Informative Text. We have searched some animals to write about that are of interest to us, even some we have learnt about in reading! We are going through the Writing Process of planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing to create these texts. It has been so fun to include so many interesting facts, you might like to ask your child to share a fact about their animals diet, appearance or habitat!
In Maths, we have started learning about Fractions. We have learnt that fractions are an equal part of a whole. Our students have learnt how to identify a half by looking at examples and non-examples. Your child might like to show you some halves at home by cutting up some fruit together or by using paper!
In Vocabulary this term we are learning the meaning of words from our serial text Fantastic Mr Fox. This text has great words for our students to use in their own writing and to build their understanding while reading! This week we have learnt the words ‘glum’, ‘quivering’, ‘ridiculous’ and ‘frenzy’. Ask your child if they can use these words in a sentence at home.
Friendly Reminders
- Please ensure your child brings their hat to school every day in Term 4 as the days are getting warmer. Ensure their hat is labelled with their name and grade.
- Our Fairy Tale Fiasco Incursion is occurring at the end of this month or the start of November depending on your class. Please check Compass and give consent and make the payment if possible so that your child does not miss out on this fun and creative experience.
Thank you! 😊