Prep Community News

Dear Prep Families,
We cannot believe we are already in Term 4, the time is flying by! We are seeing tremendous growth amongst our students and are so proud of how far they’ve come.
In our Reading lessons we have been developing our reading skills by making connections, asking questions and retelling the events in a story. During these lessons, we turn and talk with a partner and ask wondering questions about the text. This helps us gain a deeper understanding of the story.
During our Writing lessons, we have been learning about the elements of a narrative. We have learnt that a story should include characters, a setting, a problem, feelings, action, and solution. We begin a narrative by introducing the character and setting. After that, we include a problem the character faces and describe how they are feeling. We then end the story by writing the action and solution.
We have also started practising how to write on dotted thirds. This has helped us with the position of letters, the size of letters and the space between each line.
During our maths lessons, we were investigating sharing math problems. To solve sharing problems, we used ‘The Sharing Trio’. This helped us know which part of the problem we needed to solve. We also used different strategies to solve the problem, such as drawing a diagram and using counters.
Some new words we learnt during our Vocabulary lesson were:
Chimney: A tunnel above a fireplace that takes smoke outside
Journey: A long trip from one place to another
Drift: When you move slowly in the air or water
Gobble: When you eat something fast
Friendly Reminders:
Hats for Term 4: Please ensure your child brings their hat to school every day in Term 4. Make sure their hat is labelled with their name.
Swimming: Swimming lessons have begun for the term. Please remember to send your child with their bathers, towel, goggles, and a plastic bag for the week that their class is swimming. If you wish, you can also send a pair of thongs/flip flops to make changing at the pool easier.
Animal Land Children’s Farm: This excursion will be occurring later in the term. Please make the time to go onto Compass and give consent and make the payment so that your child does not miss out on this fun and educational excursion.