French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
It has already been a month of learning French in our last term of the year! Students have truly shown their ability and comfort with the language this month after almost a year of learning the language.
Prep students focused on reviewing different manners and were able to repeat all the manners perfectly after their teachers.
Year 1 students loved talking about mealtimes and their favourite food at each meal. They wrote sentences about what type of food they ate at a specific mealtime, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Our grade 2 students had an absolute blast creating their own towns using different names of places in French and wrote sentences about what places were included in their towns. It was amazing to see their creativity in their map designs.
Grade 3 students reviewed the concept of articles by deciding if a word is masculine or feminine by looking at the word endings. It amazed us at how much they remembered about articles from their past learning, the students were able to name indefinite and definite articles with no issues.
Our grade 4 students got creative by creating an “All About Me” poster, where they included information such as name, age, birthday, nationality, description of hair colour and eye colour as well as personal description all in French! Their posters were fantastic and very informative.
The grade 5 students used their knowledge of an irregular verb to help them understand how to use the grammar concept of the near future in French! Their ability to understand concept grammar concepts has impressed us this term.
The year 6 students have excelled with all the grammar topics that they have seen so far. After looking at all groups of regular verbs they turned their focus to the 4 main irregular verbs.
Please note : If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading ! We look forward to watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to grow in their French language abilities.
À bientôt !
-The French Specialist Team