Prep students are identifying objects that either spin or slide. They drew a t-chart in their STEM workbooks to sort them under the slide or spin heading. Students understood the difference between spin and slide.
In grade 1, students are working collaboratively and learning to classify rocks based on their size and colour. They also learned about minerals and how they are used in houses and jewellery.
Grade 2 students are learning to predict what food will decompose the fastest- apple, bread, or pasta. They also drew a t-chart in their books and sorted some rubbish that belonged in recycling or composting.
In Grade 3, students are learning to make connections between how shadows are created and how night and day are possible. They are describing the changes in size and direction of shadows during the day.
Grade 4 students are learning to investigate the indirect force of gravity and make predictions about how it affects people and objects. They are writing a sentence in their own words about what gravity is in their STEM workbook.
In grade 5, students are learning to read recorded information. They are creating their own questions for a proposed investigation, and exploring how theories about the solar system has changed over time. Here is a video which explains the solar system.
In grade 6, students are learning how to communicate information about earthquakes by summarising earthquake reports in a table and graph. They were able to create a table that summarise how many earthquakes have recently occurred in Oceania and Asia. Here is a video on earthquakes.