Physical Education News

Dear students, parents, and families,
What an awesome two weeks it has been in Physical Education. We have seen the Prep’s completing their swimming lessons, the Grade 3 Athletics carnival and more recently a handful of students compete in the Regional Athletics tournament.
A healthy reminder, now that we are in Term 4, hats must be worn at lunch times and also during Physical Education!
Grade 3 Athletics:
Last week our grade 3’s ventured out to Werribee athletics track to take part in their house carnival. Congratulations to the grade three students and teachers on a fantastic carnival! We were so happy and proud to see so many students competing in the events and having a blast!
Preps, Grade 1 and Grade 2:
We have now completed our Locomotor and Running games unit, as well as our Throwing and Catching games unit. Our students have completed their end of year Fundamental movement skills test, and we will now look to work on our Kicking skills in the next few weeks, as well as our single handed striking.
Grades 3-6:
As we continue to work through our Striking and Fielding unit, the grade threes and fours have finished Diamond games, whilst the fives and sixes have also now completed softball. This week the students are completing their end of year Fundamental movement skills assessment, before we begin Cricket and Danish longball.
Parent Learning:
Click on the link below for a video on kicking; learn all about the different styles, so you can use them in different sports, or even at home with family and friends:
Stationary kick (Soccer):
Punt (AFL):
Extra-Curricular PE:
If you still have not been able to attend or check out our after school sports clubs, click here to see the amazing footage:
Term 4:
Run by the PE Team: | External providers at the school: |
AFL club with Mr Firman and Mr Elorza, every Tuesday Soccer Club with Mr Marley, every Monday & Thursday Grade 5 Cricket Club: with Mr Dew, every Tuesday Running Club every Monday and Friday morning
| Cricket - CricSmart - Wednesdays & Thursdays Tennis - Meehan Academy Tues-Fri (Full) Soccer - Football VIC - Fridays Western United School Club - Tuesdays (Grade 5/6) Touch Rugby - Wednesdays & Fridays |
Reclink: | |
Touch Rugby - Wednesdays Gr3-6 @ Soccer Pitch - 3:10pm - 4:10pm Friday - Touch Rugby team |
Are you a coach who wants to hold clinics or a sports club at Tarneit Rise? Contact Mr Marley with your sport and availability.