Grade 5 Community News

We have continued exploring the history of British colonisation in Australia. Over the past weeks we have looked at how the Gold Rush and Eureka Stockade influenced the future of Australia and how this impacted the Aboriginal people. The students have been encouraged to use Think Aloud Strategies to deepen their understanding of the content.
Please ensure your child is reading each night and logging this in their journal.
In Writing, the students have continued learning about Historical Recounts. We have been focused on writing a good topic and concluding sentence, including relevant supporting details and writing an effective conclusion. Next, the students will begin researching the area of British Colonisation that interested them the most and then writing their own historical recount. Vocab During Week 3, the students completed a vocabulary cycle with words from our new serial text entitled ‘Nanberry’ by Jackie French. The students participated in activities such as adding the words into a Frayer chart and creating their own definitions of the words using synonyms. The words can be found below. Cycle 3: peering, gruel, curtsey, shrieked, spluttering During Week 4. The students’ attention shifts to Morphology with a focus on the suffixes ly, ible, able and er.
During Week 3, the students concluded their unit on ‘Time’. Throughout this unit, the students have focused on telling the time to the minute, converting between units of time, reading 24 hour time, calculating elapsed time and solving time related problems. Next week, we begin learning about angles.
For extra practice at home, students can log onto ‘My Numeracy’ and ‘Mathletics’ to complete tasks and consolidate what they have learnt in the classroom.
The students have continued learning about puberty and the changes associated with it. They navigated helpful online resources and discussed how and when young people may use them. We encourage continued discussion with your child at home