Grade 4 Community News

Welcome back, parents, to another exciting edition of our school newsletter! Can you believe how fast time is flying? It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming students back, and here we are already in the fourth week, where our vibrant learning community continues to thrive. Our students have been enthusiastically engaged in a lot of enriching experiences, showcasing their dedication to knowledge and growth.
In our Reading lessons, students have embarked on an exciting journey into the world of poetry! This term, we have delved into exploring the various poem types and their unique structures. From crafting 'I am' poems to exploring the freedom of expression in free verse, our students are also diving into the captivating realms of rhyme, repetition, and figurative language. They are identifying how these language devices are used by poets to make their poems interesting. It's heartening to witness our students embrace the creativity this unit offers, making every verse a canvas for their creative ideas to shine. Our vocabulary lessons are focusing on words sourced from this term’s serial text ‘The Indian in the Cupboard’. In week 4, students will be learning about the suffixes -er, -ed and -ly in their morphology, and how they can change the meaning of a word.
During our Writing lessons, students are putting their knowledge from their reading lessons into action by constructing their own poems. It's a wonderful synthesis of knowledge as they apply the poetic devices they have learned in our reading sessions. From incorporating rhyme and repetition to delving into the world of figurative language, including similes and metaphors, our students are crafting verses that reflect a deep understanding of the artistry of language. This integration of learning showcases how seamlessly our reading and writing units work hand in hand, providing students with a holistic and immersive experience in the world of literature.
In our maths lessons, our students have commenced an exciting new unit focused on patterns and algebra. They are diving into the world of numbers, exploring and describing patterns that emerge from multiplication operations. Additionally, they are learning to use equivalent number sentences that involve both addition and subtraction to solve for unknown quantities. Students are also honing their problem-solving skills by learning various strategies. One such strategy they are exploring is the CUBES process, which provides a structured approach to tackle complex mathematical problems.
In Terms 1 and 4, all students must have a Tarneit Rise hat to wear at recess and lunch. Hats are available to purchase from the office if your child needs one.
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
Between the 8th and 17th of November, all Grade 4s will be attending an excursion to the You-Yangs Regional Park. We will be consolidating our knowledge of the colonisation of Australia, as well as exploring flora and fauna with a park ranger. Consent and payment are due on Compass one week before your child’s class is set to attend. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school office for assistance.