Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

With Spring just around the corner, it is time to dust off those school hats ready for another season.  If your child's school hat is at home, please send this in next week.  All students are expected to wear a school hat, when outside, from the 1st of September.

This week, six of our Year 5&6 students headed off to Somers Camp.  Every two years, a limited number of spots are allocated to our school for this nine-day camp, which offers a range of activities that are mainly physical and outdoor and include High and Low Ropes Courses, Boating, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Challenge Swing and Initiative Activities which require a reasonable level of physical fitness. All children are also required to take part in Archery, Art, Drama, Environmental Studies, Bush Cooking, Orienteering, Bike Education, Flying Fox, Bush Dancing, a Disco Night, Singing and Diary Writing.

In October, we will be offering all students in Years 3 & 4 the opportunity to access similiar experiences, through a 2-day camp at Howmans Gap.  Information regarding the camp has now been sent out on Compass and families are invited to send in expressions of interest to participate as volunteers.  All volunteers must have a valid Working with Children's Check.

On Tuesday, Cathy Gunn and Shannon Brennan, the Landcare Facilitator for the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups, came to visit our school to show students in Years 4-6 the new signage that has been made, incorporating some of their artworks.  These artworks, which were produced as part of an earlier activity, in which they worked with local indigenous elder Aunty Valda and Aboriginal artist, Glennys Briggs, highlight some of the animals that can be found living in and around our local waterways.  The two signs will be errected on Saturday, on Simmonds Creek Road, near Simmonds Creek and on the West Kiewa near the start of the Gorge walk.  In addition, we were also presented with a series of three paintings by Glennys, which will be hung above the cave in the 5/6 area.

Our sincere thanks to the Mount Beauty Uniting Church Op Shop for their recent donation of $2000 which will go towards the purchase of new readers in the Early Years.  In addition, we have also received a donation of $1133.44 through the Mount Beauty Foodworks Spirit of Community program, which will also go to upgrading our student resources.  On behalf of the students and staff, I would like to thank both these organisations for their contribution to our school.  We really appreciate the community support our school receives and the positive impact this has for student learning.


A reminder to families to please take the opportunity to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. While the survey is optional, your voice is important and we encourage all families to participate.  To access the survey, please click on link and access pin that was sent to you via Compass on the 7/8/2023.  


On Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 6:30pm to 8pm, a free online parent session; Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety will be held.  Places are limited and the session will not be recorded.  For more information and to register, please head to:


Due to ongoing concerns for student safety, families are asked to please use Tennis Court Avenue for school drop offs and pick ups.   The staff carpark should not be used at these times.