Religion & Wellbeing News 

Dear Families,


R U OK Day - Thursday 14th September   

R U OK?  is public health promotion charity that aims to start life-changing conversations by encouraging and empowering Australians to reach out to friends, family members and colleagues who might be struggling with life's ups and downs, and ask, 'are you OK?'. 


On Thursday 14th of September, we are holding a cuppa and chat morning for our parent community  from 8.15am-10am. 

Come and have a chat and grab a latte or cappuccino from our coffee van or instant coffee/tea will be provided in the Multipurpose Room.



Parent Evening on Communication - Parental Controls

A follow up to the Parent Evening last week is some information from the e-Safety Commission on how to use parental controls and other tools to maximise online safety.

Parental controls are software tools that allow you to monitor and limit what your child sees and does online.  

They can be set up to do things like

  • Block your child from accessing specific websites, apps or functions (like using a device’s camera, or the ability to buy things). 
  • Filter different kinds of content — such as ‘adult’ or sexual content, content that may promote self-harm, eating disorders, violence, drugs, gambling, racism and terrorism. 
  • Allow you to monitor your child’s use of connected devices, with reports on the sites they visit and the apps they use, how often and for how long.  
  • Set time limits, blocking access after a set time. 

If a device or program is shared by multiple members of your family, you should be able change the tool settings to reflect each user’s age and skills. 


More information about setting up parental controls on devices can be found:


Take Care, 

Kate Harris

Wellbeing & RE Leader