Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community 




Dear God 

Thank you for Spring and the hope of warmer, longer, brighter days. Thank you for the coming of growth and life and birth. Thank you that things are coming awake in the world. This is what our calendar says, and we do see some signs that it is real.



Father's Day Thank you

Cody with his dad, the winner of our Father's Day Raffle
Cody with his dad, the winner of our Father's Day Raffle

We hope all our dads, uncles, grand dads and special male figures in our student's lives had a great Father's Day. I would like to thank Jodi and her Parents and Friends colleagues for organising the Father's Day Stall and their help with the Father's Day Raffle.

Our magnificent Parents and Friends raised $340 with the days events. Thank you so much.


Football Day 

We will hold our annual Football Day tomorrow Friday 8th September. Our students are encouraged to wear their football apparel to show their support for their chosen  AFL team. If their chosen sport is one other than football for example soccer, netball, basketball, tennis, etc. they can wear clothes to show their support. Please do not feel any pressure to purchase sports apparel. The day is one for all our students, whether they follow AFL or not. As detailed in a letter that went home earlier this week our school courtesy of the very kind Haley Family will supply party pies and sausage rolls to our students at lunch time.

We invite students to bring a gold coin donation to school tomorrow with all money donated going to a school in the Papua New Guinea Highlands.



Parent Information Night Thankyou

Dear Kate,

On behalf of the Leadership team and staff, I just wanted to congratulate you and Melanie on a fantastic Parent Information Evening held last night at our school. 

It was well attended by parents and delivered in a fun and friendly way that had the parents engaged and informed. They are a lot of work to organise and the planning and delivery can be quite stressful. You both did a wonderful job. Kate, please pass this message on to Melanie and thank her on behalf of us for her expertise and gentle nature used when communicating with our parents.

To Jess and Guilia, thanks for attending and supporting our colleague.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.



After School Chess Club

Details about an afterschool chess club commencing next term were given in a notice to all students last week. The club will meet each Wednesday straight after school. The club is open to all chess players from novices just learning the game to more experienced players. If you would like more information please see me. I will need final numbers by next Wednesday 13th September.

No Lunch Orders

As notified earlier this week in our Audiri App, Parade will not be offering lunch orders tomorrow as their school is closed.


Scientists In The Making

Some of our potential David Ballamy environmental scientists proudly showing off the mini beast habitat they have created.


Discovery Photos


Lunch Time Lego Club



Popcorn/Icy Pole Selling

Tomorrow will be the last day selling popcorn this year. Next term we will commence selling icy poles on a Friday for a $1.00.



Blessing of our Pets Liturgy

6.00pm, Friday 13th October

 Sacred Heart Primary School

The kangaroos, crows and hawk’s seasons never really got started and the cats and dogs fell at their last hurdle. Yes, the lions, magpies and swans have put up such a valiant effort making finals, when others like the eagles had already capitulated. 

So, let’s bring some good news to our beloved pets and their owners, by celebrating our “Blessing of our Pets Liturgy”. All school families, parishioners and visitors are invited to attend and celebrate the precious gift of our pets. 

All pets from goldfish to guinea pigs, dogs to reptiles and every pet in between are invited, and will receive a blessing from Father Aloysius.





Yours Sincerely




Darling Dance Studios (Run by a Sacred Heart parent)

A special offer for students from Sacred Heart