School News and Information 

What’s Happening Term 3:

5th September - Armidale Youth Orchestra visit

8th September - Assembly at 12:30pm - Fathers Day - Stage 1 presenting and athletics

                                age champions medallions presented to winners

22nd September - Centenary Celebrations 


Stage 3 News

Stage 3 have been busy learning to write persuasive texts.  Students have learnt to plan their persuasive texts and to write using their best points (not on side that they wish to argue).  Students can order their points in the correct position and to write an effective argument.  In doing this, Stage 3 has also been working on using correct punctuation and making sure that sentences make sense, grammatically.  This has been difficult at times, but students are understanding that the correct usage of English gives their writing credibility, which is essential in learning to persuade the reader.  To engage the reader students are learning to use facts, statistics, emotive language, figurative language, rhetorical questions, and high-level vocabulary.  We can’t wait to share our writing when they are completed.


Starting this week, on Mondays and Tuesdays, Stage 3 are running physical activities with the children in Stage 2 modelling fair play, patience, conflict resolution and correct technique.  From ball skills to skipping to fitness Stage 3 have got you covered!  Stage 2 are thoroughly enjoying learning from and interacting with the seniors in our school.  The children have lead by example - planning interesting activities, encouraging our younger peers and clearly modelling appropriate behaviour during PE.  Keep up the great work Stage 3!



Finally, this week we have sent home a ‘Natural Disasters’ project for the children to present on the 20th September (Wednesday of Week 10).  All children will present to a small group of peers who will provide feedback to each child as they present.  Children are welcome to present early if they will be absent on this day.  A copy of the homework will also be deployed through Compass.  Thank you for your cooperation regarding this activity.


Mrs Bull and Mrs Townsend



At our Centenary celebrations from 5-7pm we are looking for a face painter.  We thought we would put a call out to any parents who have the skills in this area.  If you are interested and have a talent for painting faces can you please contact the front office before next Friday 1st September. 


Photos from Book Week



Our Term 3, Week 7 You Can Do It Champions!

Kindergarten Koalas

Willow received her You Can Do It for being a kind, caring and supportive friend to all.

Stage 1 Magpies

 received her You Can Do It award for

Stage 1 Possums

Flynn received his You Can Do It award for not letting the ‘bad stuff’ and the ‘tough things’ get him down.

3/4 Bilbies

Olivia received her You Can Do It award for becoming increasingly confident to contribute to class and whole stage discussions.

3/4 Wombats

Indy received her You Can Do It award for always being a kind, helpful and respectful member of 3/4 Wombats.

5/6 Emus

Poppy received her You Can Do It award for a content, active and cooperative participant during the ASC Taster Day.

Tobias received his You Can Do It award for being sincere, thoughtful and trustworthy in everything he does.

5/6 Dingoes 

Lane received his You Can Do It award for being the best that he can be and encouraging others to do the same.

Piper received her You Can Do It award for being a reliable member of Stage 3 who is trusted and respected by her peers. 


Congratulations Merit Award Winners!


