
What is Heart of the Valley?
Heart of the Valley is….
- Creativity on display from students and staff
- Enjoying live music, drama and performances
- Free sausage sizzles
- Sitting around open fires with our magnificent view as the backdrop
- Watching unique short movies while munching on popcorn
- Bringing your own mug for free hot chocolate
- Art, photography, woodwork, Lego and food displays
- Treasure hunting
- School after dark with lights and a festival atmosphere
- Celebrating the God-given gifts and talents in our college community in a sustainable way
- Food trucks offering hot savoury and sweet food and a range of drinks available to purchase
Come along on Thursday 14 September from 6pm until 8:30pm at the college for a fantastic family night of activities!
Look out for an Edsmart email next week for opportunities to volunteer on the night.
Alumni Reunion
Our 10ish Year Reunion for the Classes of 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 last Saturday, was a fantastic gathering of Alumni students from across these year levels, along with some of their teachers, partners and children.
Reconnecting with friends and familiar faces, reminiscing about special memories, watching a slide show of their school photos, enjoying a delicious afternoon tea and touring the grounds remembering what’s familiar and what’s changed in recent years, were just some of the highlights from the afternoon.
R U OK Day
R U OK Day is happening on the last day of term, Friday 15 September. This will be a free dress day with students asked to wear yellow to represent caring for their friends, who may be going through difficult times (suicide prevention).
Education Assistant Celebration Week
This week in Australia is Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. This provides our college community with an opportunity to thank our Education Support staff for their hard work and dedication. We are so grateful for everything our support staff do for our students, staff, and College community.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever." Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
At Plenty Valley Christian College our Education Assistants work with students and staff across all year levels. It is evident that our Education Assistants are passionate about supporting our students to overcome barriers that may impact their access to and participation in the learning program. Education Assistants work closely with key staff and with classroom teachers in implementing relevant individual education programs with a focus on maintaining an inclusive learning environment for all students. The Education Assistants work with students individually, in the classrooms, or in small groups.
During the school week, our Education Assistants help students and staff in a diverse range of roles, including:
- Providing 1:1 and small group assistance for students within the classroom
- Facilitating small-group intervention programs
- Supporting students with prioritising overdue work and completing assigned tasks
- Assisting students with time management, planning and setting goals for completing their assignments
- Supporting students to communicate with their teachers if they need clarification or want to demonstrate their learning in different ways
- Connecting with teachers of the students they support to see if any other aid is needed to assist students with their learning
- Running a lunch time homework club for middle school students
- Facilitating literacy and numeracy focussed withdrawal classes
- Collating student academic data and assisting teachers with data monitoring.
Thank you to our Education Assistants, for your ongoing support of our students and staff throughout the year. You play such a valuable role in supporting the College's teaching and learning program and assisting our students to experience a quality education; raising up young people of distinction.