Year 5 Bathurst Camp 

Year 5 students and S. Cummings

Last week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 86 Year 5 students attended camp in Bathurst. The students were very excited about the activities especially gold panning. We started off our adventure at Scenic World, Katoomba and then travelled to Hartley to explore the court house, holding cells, post office and river walk. Finally arriving at the Bathurst Goldfields and our accommodation, the students couldn't wait to choose their beds and spend some time with their friends. Next off to dinner and then colonial music with Jason. I must say Year 5 are great bush dancers! 


Day Two was busy with breakfast, visiting and participating at the planetarium and the Life in Colonial Australia program. We enjoyed a delicious sausage sizzle and made it through a big storm. Next was some shopping in the gift shop, time in our rooms and then dinner. 


We started our last day with breakfast, then packed our bags and cleaned our rooms. Next was Mt York in the Blue Mountains where we met our tour guides - Amy, Paul and Sue. They showed us Cox Road which was built in 1814 by convicts to travel to Bathurst. It was completed in six months and the convicts were then given their freedom. Lunch at Sutton Park, Blackheath and then back to school. Students were so happy to see their families and so many hugs were given. Thank you Year 5 for following our PB4L expectations at camp and representing our school with pride. 


Year 5 students' favourite things about camp  


"The Year 5 camp was a super fun experience. My favourite part was Scenic World. The Skyway was the first time for me. The railway was the best of all. We also went on an amazing walk in the rainforest." Franco 5D


"My favourite activities were story telling and bush dancing. Story telling was a unique experience by the actions and expressions. I never did dancing or bush dancing due to having no time and being embarrassed. Bush dancing really improved my confidence by dancing with my friends." Dylan 5N


"During camp my favourite activity was gold panning. A guide took us to this really beautiful pond to find gold and I was lucky to find a gold flake. I also fell in the pond and got really wet especially my shoes and pants. I hope I can go back there again to have even more fun." Maddison-Kate 5V


"My favourite part of the Year 5 Camp was the bus ride since we got to watch movies such as Alvin & the Chipmunks, Penguins of Madagascar and Matilda. I also enjoyed the sausage sizzle because we got to drink cordial." Velia 5/6H 


"Camp was an amazing experience. We travelled to lots of places to take tours and learn more about it. We had the two best bus drivers who travelled with us. My favourite parts that I absolutely loved were taking the tour of Scenic World and having free time in our rooms". Nicolas 5D


"My favourite part of camp was Scenic World because it was fun to see the dinosaurs. We also saw the Three Sisters. I liked sleeping in bunk beds and looking for gold. When I was looking my foot got wet in the water." Charlotte SU Blue 


"One of my favourite things I did at camp was making damper. The reason I chose making damper was it is so easy to make and is delicious. You only need water and flour then you put it on a stick and let it cook. After cooking the damper you put golden syrup on top." Naomi 5N  


"My favourite activity during Bathurst Camp was going to Hartley. I loved learning about the cat o' nine tails which is a whip and life in jail. The part I especially liked was seeing the court, learning what it was used for, the roles and listening to real court cases. The punishments were very interesting and cruel especially when you had to be whipped at least 25 times! I learnt that the person whipping a convict had to be the convict's best friend. Overall, the trip to Hartley was an amazing one, and by far my favourite experience." Aida 5/6S