P&C Update

Written and Edited by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

P&C update Term 3, Week 8


Father’s Day Stall

Monday 28th August. 

We had our year 5 and pre-school pink Father’s Day Stall, thank you to our Volunteer’s David, Natasha, Sophea, Sarah, Maly, Eng Hua who helped me to set up, run the Stall and clean up.


Wednesday 29th August. 

After school we had set up the Father’s Day stall in the hall ready for Thursday morning. Thank you to Victoria and Sarah who battled the storm and hail with me.


Thursday 31st August. 

We had the Father’s Day Stall in the hall, Thank you to the many Volunteers Van, Chau, Kim, Maly, Rosanna, Jennifer, Linda, My Anh, Joey, Aspen, Angela, Pat, Sarah, Lina, Nikki, Sophea, Jenny, Eng Hwa, Davia, Victoria, Tina, Phonethip, Vannette. Who helped run the stall and cleaned up afterwards.


Friday 1st September. 

Sarah sold the leftover gifts under the infants COLA, thank you to Sarah and the volunteers who helped her Shirley, Jen, My Anh, Vannette, Phonethip, and the many more that join in the rush of things.


Once again, a huge thank you to everyone for making this a wonderful and fun experience for all our students.




Playground Markers

The playground markers have an estimated delivery time of early November, the P&C and the School are very excited. I can’t wait to see the finished product in the infants playground.



P&C Meeting

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 6th September in the school PL room which is located behind the kindergarten block and In front of the Support Unit Playground.





When you come to the meetings, you get to hear firsthand what the school is up to. During meetings you have a chance to speak and be involved in what the P&C plans for the upcoming terms. 


Paid members can vote to help decide what the P&C does, and how we spend the funds. 

You can always see when our next meeting is in the newsletter - either in the P&C update or the Important Dates. 


Term 4

Here’s a sneak peek into what the P&C has planned for Term 4 –

- 2 P&C meetings to plan some more events

- Teacher appreciation day

- Coin collection fundraiser

- Kindergarten orientation bags

- Pre-school graduation gift

- Year 6 graduation gift

- Christmas raffle


We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community.

If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com,

or message us on the Facebook page : 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'.

Let’s come together and make this a fun year for our students.