Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

P&C Father's Day Stall & Meeting

The P&C Father's Day Stall was a great success. There were so many items for students to choose from. Hopefully the fathers, grandfathers and significant men enjoyed receiving their gift.

Thank you to the P&C for their hard work in ordering and preparing the gifts for sale. Thank you also to the many parents who assisted with the sales. Your efforts were very much appreciated and valued by the whole school community.

The next P&C Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 6th September at 9.30am. The venue will be in the Professional Learning room, which is close to 2S and KK classrooms.


Year 5 Camp to Bathurst

Last week, Year 5 students had the opportunity to attend a three day camp to experience life on the goldfields in Bathurst. Although the weather was cold, students had a wonderful time. Thank you to Mrs Cummings, Mr Hu, Miss Vuong, Miss Martinez and Mrs Do for their supervision and dedication to allow the students to have this learning opportunity.

Year 6 students will have the opportunity to attend the camp in Week 9.


SAS Staff Recognition Week - Week 8

It seems I got ahead of myself in the last newsletter. SAS staff recognition week is this week. We are celebrating School Administrative and Support Staff and the valuable work they do. This is an opportunity for us and the community to show our appreciation to these dedicated staff members. Our SAS Staff includes:

Ms Amanda Daniels, Mrs Enza Gallo, Miss Monique Ingold, Mrs Meagan O'Grady, Ms Jennifer Polliket, Mrs Karyn Stephenson, Mrs Lynda Delandro, Ms Mimmie Romeo, Mrs Olimpia Micelli, Mrs Shaymaa Ashoa, Ms Lisa Nagatsuka, Mrs Kim Ung, Ms Kim Williams, Mrs Dunia Mushko and Mr Jim Jankulovski.

Thank you on behalf of the St Johns Park Public School community for the wonderful work you do.


Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is taking place this week in the school’s Library. Students will have the opportunity to visit the library to look at the books and items for sale during their library lesson. All payments are to be made at the Library. Payment options are cash, eftpos or online through Ashton Scholastic. Please contact the Teacher Librarians, Mr Luxa or Miss Le if you have questions regarding the Book Fair. A percentage of the book sales will be returned to the school in the form of additional books and resources for our library. 


Quote for Week 8:

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr Seuss