School Nurse

                                R U OK? Day

Cecile Elliott

Today is our national day dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask “are you OK?” and to support those struggling with life’s ups and downs.

We all know that life can be challenging with so many things that we tend to juggle each day. We also know that our children are juggling all sorts of emotions and they need support as well.


Promoting an R U OK? culture at BPS is important:

  1. Students feel supported by their peers, teachers, and education support staff.
  2. Staff, students, and families are respectful of and show kindness to each other.
  3. School should be a positive and enjoyable experience for all involved.
  4. Check in with others if you notice they might be struggling.
  5. Make sure that when you ask, you have the time to listen.

Parents / guardians should discuss any issues of concern with your child’s classroom teacher.

The wellbeing coordinator and school nurse are also available to support and offer resources. A supportive community is a better learning environment for everyone.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and come back feeling refreshed in term 4.

We look forward to seeing you then 😊


Warm regards,


Nurse Cecile