Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 9, Term 3

The excitement is building, only 7 more sleeps until we are off to Phillip Island! 

Keep any eye out this week for final reminder emails. And for those that need another reminder, a copy of the camp clothing list is also attached below.



This week we will complete our challenge, 'Celebrate diversity and what it means to you.' A brief, additional homework task to help us with this challenge was discussed at school last Friday. The template for this task can be found on Showbie. Helping your child to complete this task will set them up to successfully carry out our challenge for CBL this term. Thanks for your support with this.



This week we will be reading information about our camp destination. We will also be reading all about 'little penguins' before we go to visit these adorable creatures at Phillip Island! We will be looking at expanded vocabulary associated with this topic.


What you can do at home

Find Phillip Island on Google Maps and read the names of the towns and places that are close by to build a familiarity with this area.



This week we will focus on publishing a favourite piece of writing from this term. With assistance, students will edit their writing, ensuring conventions are used accurately to make the writing easy for the reader to understand. Students will focus on accuracy with spelling, punctuation and grammar.


What you can do at home

Ask your child if they know when to use the following punctuation marks in their writing-

  • full stops
  • exclamation marks
  • question marks
  • commas
  • apostrophes
  • talking marks


We continue to focus our thinking on how many mathematical concepts are related and connected. We will apply our knowledge to solve challenges involving multiplication (grouping) and division (sharing).


What you can do at home

See if you can find the fact families for some multiplication tables, for example how many different equations can you make with the numbers three, four and twelve and the symbols multiplication and division?



Friday 1st September  - Hats on once again;  'Always remember, Hats on in September'

Thursday 7th September - Father's Day Breakfast from 7.30am

Monday 11th-Wednesday 13th September - Gr3&4 Camp 

Friday 15th September - Last day of Term 3, early dismissal 2.30pm