Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
Little Learners Club: Commenced Term 3 Friday, 2nd August and runs each Friday for the term from 10:30 -11:30am in the Prep rooms. We hope to see you there.
ESTEEMS KIDS: After School Care Please contact William Wong on 0410 841 628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Students must be booked in by midday, for on the day bookings.
Upcoming Dates:
- ICAS Science Week 5
- Week 5 - Book Week and Week of Wellbeing.
- Wednesday 21st August - Book Week Dress Up Parade, 9:15am WCC Hall, parents welcome.
- Monday 26th August - Leave Weekend - No School
- ICAS Mathematics Week 6
- Friday 30th August - Father's Day Morning Tea and Assembly
- Thursday 5th September - Grandparents' Day: Morning Tea, Concert and Classroom visits.
- Friday 6th September - Grandparents Day Concert repeated for parents
- Friday 6th September - Prep 2025 Experience Day
- Tuesday 10th September - P&F Meeting
- Wednesday 11th - Friday 13th September - Year 4 to Sydney for Camp
- Wednesday 11th September - HRIS Debating (Year 5/6 selected students)
- Thursday 12th September - RUOK Day
- Week 9 - JS PT Interviews Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th September
- Thursday 19th September Yr 9/10 Commerce Market Day Stall
- Friday 20th September - Yr 12 2024 at Junior School Assembly
- Friday 20th September - Yr 1 to Calala Cottage
- Friday 27th September - Last day of Term 3.
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243
Father's Day Assembly and Morning Tea
Light@Lunch this week!
God's great rescue plan was finally happening. Jesus was going to get God's people back! But first He needed to find some helpers and friends. Who would make good helpers do you think? Clever people, rich people, important people? No. God's helpers and friends don't need to know a lot of things or have a lot of things - they just have to need Him! Jesus chose twelve helpers and some of them were fishermen. They left their boats, their nets and their fish and followed Jesus!
Jesus started preaching, “Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be here.” Matthew 4:17