From the Chaplain

Keep Going!
As I write, the marathons – arguably the toughest event in the Olympic Games – are being run. For the competitors, what lies ahead of them is a minimum of two hours of pushing themselves to the limit, to get to the finish, about 42 kilometres away. Along the way, there will be many tales of bravery and persistence: such as what happened with a runner from Kenya, Hyvon Ngetich, who was competing in the Austin Marathon in Texas some years ago. She led for most of the race, but ‘hit the wall’ badly in the final couple of kilometres. Collapsing to the ground about 100 metres from the finish, Hyvon refused to be put in a wheelchair by officials (which would have disqualified her) but insisted on completing the race under her own power – by crawling the rest of the distance to the line. She still finished in third place; receiving enormous respect and praise for her courage in keeping going and not giving up.
Often, it’s not those who actually win a race who are remembered – it’s those who show enormous courage to simply get to the end. Like Derek Redmond, whose hamstring tore midway through a 400 metre race in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. Redmond also waved away help from the medical staff, determined to finish his race. As he hobbled and limped his way around the track, in incredible pain, his father jumped the fence and ran to his son, helping him almost the rest of the way – before letting Derek go, two metres from the line, so he could finish on his own…
For the most part, it’s not how you start a race that counts; it’s how you finish. Walking or stumbling, running or limping, it doesn’t matter – the aim is to keep going, so you get to the end. How do we do that best in life’s race? The Bible tells us that it’s about keeping focused on the One who is our Way, Truth and Life: ‘And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.’ (Hebrews 12:1-2).
FRIDAY 23rd AUGUST, 2024
The Calrossy Christian Fellowship (or CCF) is a group of parents and friends of our School who gather together regularly during the year to pray for our Calrossy community, people and events – it’s a great time of encouragement and fellowship!
The CCF’s next meeting is for Coffee and Dessert and Prayer
7.30-9.00pm on Friday, 23rd August, at 130 Brisbane Street.
All are very welcome!!
Please contact Calrossy parent Mrs Jane Harris, or Mrs Julie Smith (host of the evening) for further information.