Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News:
Selamat Siang,
In Science this term in we are exploring physical forces and chemical changes! Over the past few weeks, our students have been investigating push and pull movements, magnets, light, sound and heat. It has been amazing to see the curiosity and zest across all year levels. We are so proud of the incredible hands-on learning that has been taking place so far, and we're looking forward to some exciting (and delicious) food science in our upcoming chemistry units.
National Science Week is running from the 10th - 18th of August Australia Wide (Week 5). To celebrate, there will be a range of experiments and STEM activities running in the classrooms throughout the week. Additionally, we will be making pancakes with each class in our science sessions, and we will also be running Kinder Science Afternoon on Friday the 16th of August from 2:40pm to 3:30pm. We look forward to seeing our staff, students and families getting involved!
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic, Beth Cardy and Natalie Palmer.
Pupil of the Week
Visual Arts
Junior - William L (1/2S)
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when designing your Uluru inspired artwork!
Senior - Abby N (3/4B)
For demonstrating creativity and curiosity when uplevelling your 3D Boab seed artwork!
Junior - Elizabeth H (1/2M)
For being a great helper during science this week and using creativity to construct cup phones for our sound lessons.
Senior - Taj F (5/6N)
For your impressive and detailed work explaining how light travels and reflects.
No junior award this week due to camp.
Senior - Oliver M (3/4B)
For confidently describing which fruits you have tried and want to try. Bagus sekali!
Performing Arts
Junior - Leo (1/2E)
For displaying enthusiasm and giving his best efforts when singing and moving in Performing Arts.
Senior - (Yvon 3/4B)
For enthusiasm and consistently applying his best efforts in Performing Arts.