Principal's Message
Term 3 - Week 3
Principal's Message
Term 3 - Week 3
What an incredible show! We were so fortunate to hold Mount Pleasant’s Got Talent at The Round Theatre this year. The students who competed showed outstanding talent, determination and perseverance, and the whole school is to be commended on an incredible display of respect and responsibility. To see the students from Years 1-6 perform, and from Foundation to Year 6 participating as active audience members, was a delight to behold. We are so proud of you all.
Thank you to the students - performers and audience members - for displaying our school values. Thank you especially to our Performing Arts Captains Natasha R, Nicha C, Aashvi S, and Julia N for their efforts in the lead up to the production, as well as on the day. Thank you to our families - those who attended, and those who supported from afar - we appreciate you and your contribution to your child/ren’s Arts Education. Thanks to all of our staff who made the day happen, particularly Nat Palmer, Tegan Kitteringham, Erin Davies, Sarah Cullen and Em Glen. To Justin and Lyn from Online Music and David (Drum Teacher) thank you for giving our students a real band experience and for opening the show with a bang! A big thank you to our judges; singer, dancer and art-teacher extraordinaire Yana Gill; musician, actor and Education Support staff member Jack Bell; experienced performer and professional dancer Jess Staples; and MPRPS friend and local Member of Parliament Nick McGowan. What an incredible community!
We congratulate Jeffrey Z and Jason J for receiving third place with their lively piano duet ‘He’s A Pirate’. Well done to Matilda F for achieving second place for her Musical Theatre performance of ‘Naughty’ from ‘Matilda the Musical’. And finally, congratulations to Aira N for taking out first place in Mount Pleasant’s Got Talent 2024, with her Indian Classical Dance.
Video links will be sent out to the families of the performers soon, and participation certificates will be presented to all finalists at assemblies in Week 5 or 6.
Students, Teachers and ES headed off on Wednesday to the big city for this year's exciting 5/6 Camp. The group is staying in a beautiful heritage-listed building in Collins Street, in the heart of the CBD. Although most students are familiar with the city, experiencing the sights and sounds with your peers and teachers is a whole new adventure! Featuring visits to the Immigration Museum, ACMI, Fed Square and NGV, a tour of Chinatown, and more, students have had a jam-packed time. Highlights have included the Amazing Race and the Camp Trivia Night. I popped in on Wednesday night to surprise the group and was lucky enough to sample some of the delicious food in the camp dining hall. I want to thank the students for showing great responsibility and integrity whilst on camp, and the families for supporting this new adventure. And a huge thank you to our 5/6 Teachers, ES and Specialist Teachers for the incredible amount of work that went into making this camp happen! We can't wait to welcome the happy campers back and hear all about the trip!
Assembly will be cancelled on Monday with awards given out in class due to the number of staff and students with illness. We will continue to operate with a high level of hygiene practices in place, including reminders for washing hands with soap/use hand sanitiser/run our class ventilators and keep a good air flow while keeping classroom warm.
Thank you to all of the families supporting us when you child is showing flu like symptoms and keeping them home for them to recover.
This month, our School Council heard the Principal Report, which shared strong enrolment numbers for our kindergarten and primary school in 2025. Our enrollment numbers are capped and the school must operate under an Enrollment Management Plan to manage numbers for Foundation, with numbers capped at 21 in each class. Staff have been working hard on improving Numeracy planning and differentiation and will now focus on Writing after analyzing a wide range of data.
The Finance Committee reviewed the financial reports with the camp budget approved and ready to go! In Building and Grounds, Stephan has been busy completing lots of jobs in the kindergarten and school. New soccer goals have been ordered and students are very excited! The Education Committee reviewed the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy as well as the Kinder's Medicine, Anaphylaxis and Asthma Policies. The Community Services and Personnel sub committee revisited the Child Safety Standards and discussed new ideas to make them clear and easy to access for our school community. The BYOD survey has now closed with 67 responses. Kim has been seeking advice from lots of local schools as well as the department, in device usage and management. Thank you to all who completed the survey. Staff will now analyze the responses and come up with ideas to improve the program.
From Jen our School Council President
Our four-year-old Kindergarten children had their first session of buddies in the grade four classrooms. It was a wonderful moment of connection and learning, with our Kindergarten children demonstrating such incredible concentration and curiosity and our grade four students such care and guidance.
Three-way conference bookings open at the end of this week, for all classes except Foundation C. These conferences are a celebration of learning and a great opportunity for your child/ren to share their triumphs over the past semester. Please ensure you have read your child’s Semester 1 report and have accessed their Portfolio on Seesaw prior to the conference.
With Student Support Groups happening this week and 3-Way conferences just around the corner, we wanted to shine a spotlight on home-school partnerships and communication. We endeavour to provide clear, effective communication through Sentral, our school newsletter, Instagram, and digital sign. We offer lots of opportunities for parents and carers to meet with teachers and school leaders, such as SSGs, parent-teacher conferences, three-way conferences, open mornings, and information nights.
If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to call or email the school. You are also able to contact your child’s classroom teacher via the Sentral Portal, between the hours of 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. Classroom teachers won’t reply straight away, as they are most likely teaching your children, but they will provide a response within 48 hours.
If you have something to drop off for your child or their teacher, please take this to the school office during Reception hours. We appreciate your efforts in ensuring learning is not disrupted. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and for supporting the school through our Statement of Values.
Have you seen our donation tubs in the office yet? If you haven’t, this is your reminder to check out your home library and give it the refresh and declutter that it deserves. Thank you to the many generous families who have donated already. We will continue to collect donations right up until Friday 23rd of August. The tubs are starting to fill up with a wide variety of texts for the students to purchase in our upcoming Book Swap.