Parents and Friends

P&F News
P&F Committee:
All are welcome to join our school P&F Committee! If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend the monthly meetings due to work or other commitments, please feel free to e mail me and I will add you to the group.
Next P&F Meeting:
Wednesday 24th July at 2pm, prior to school pick up time.
Please meet at the school office. All welcome!
Toast is available each morning for all students who would like some extra fuel before they begin the school day!
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who prepare and serve the toast each morning! If you would like to join the roster please let me know or you can pass your name onto Krystal in the office.
At St Mary’s this year we are collecting any recyclable cans, bottles and containers marked with the 10cent refund. These will be transported to Chewton Service Station. All money raised will come back to our school to benefit our students whilst strengthening our sustainability practises to contribute to a healthier world. There is a new, blue wheelie bin located down stairs for these to be dropped off.
Student Special Lunch Day & Sports Colours Day:
Term 3: Pie/Pastie/Sausage Roll Day-Wednesday 4th September: students have the opportunity to place an order on this day. There will be vegetarian options. Order forms will be sent home prior to this day and will need to be returned with correct money inside a sealed envelope or zip lock bag. If your child would prefer, they may of course bring along their own school lunch as per usual. Students can come along to school on this day wearing their favourite sport/team colours-footy, netball, soccer, cricket or whatever is your favourite!
School Fair 2024:
This year’s fair will be held in Term 4 on Sunday 20th October.
This will be our major fundraiser for the year.
If you would like to join the fair committee who meet once a month, please email me or leave your name with Krystal at the school office.
Our next fair committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th July at 7pm at school in the staff room. There will be a Google meet link set up and released on the day for those who would like to join from home.
Please return the fair form that came home with your child at the end of last term to the school office asap. We are seeking coordinators for stalls, volunteers to work shifts, donations of different items to different stalls, further stall ideas and other support. Please tick where you can assist and add your name and contact number to enable the coordinator to then contact you when planning and organising the stall.
Thank you!
170 Year St Mary’s School & Parish Anniversary:
Sunday 11th August-Mass at 10:30am followed by a celebratory lunch in the St Mary’s Hall. All welcome!
If you are able to contribute a sweet or savoury plate of food for this event please e mail Clare and she will add you to the list. Thank you! This will be a special celebration of our school and parish community.
St Mary's Catholic Parish Castlemaine - Volunteer Morning Tea
Members of our school P&F committee and volunteers are invited to a volunteer morning tea on Saturday the 27th July at 10.00am at the church. The parish is keen to thank our volunteers as well as seek some new volunteers to assist with duties in the parish. If you would like to join and are interested in assisting in the parish, come along! Thank you!
Old Time Dance:
Saturday 24th August 6pm-8pm in the St Mary’s Hall. Spread the word!
Do you remember those old time dances on a Saturday night, listening to the band, watching people tear up the dance floor doing the jive or the waltz, enjoying a cuppa, a sandwich and a slice of sponge cake?
We will be hosting an old time dance, welcoming people from near and far to enjoy an evening of great music, dancing, games and delicious supper. Mark it on your calendar and join us for a memorable evening!
St Mary’s P&F President