Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


The weather this week has continued to be simply glorious, apart from Thursday. 


Olympic fever has well and truly taken over our school!  I have really enjoyed sharing the excitement of the latest gold medal with the students. It’s hard not to be inspired by the athleticism, skills and concentration of the competitors! Our learning across the school has been influenced by the Olympics in so many different ways.  Some of our classrooms have some amazing Olympic Villages that have been created, where the students have carefully calculated the volume of particular buildings. 


Over the last few weeks, we have been focussing of how we can show ways of being kind. At assemblies, we have been talking about our DSPS Kindness Scale and how we can look to be just a little bit kinder to each other, every day. 

It was wonderful to hear from our students and the different ways that they have been showing kindness. I don’t know how you all feel, but I do get concerned when watching the news or listening to the radio, as there seems to be a constant flow of reports highlighting tragedy or negativity. Sometimes, a good news story can help us all feel a little bit better. 


We have had a few parents walk their children through the staff car park before and after school. This is an area of high traffic during these times, so please refrain from doing this in the future. Thank you. 


The weather is supposed to be quite nice this weekend. I hope you are able to make the most of it. 


Ryan 😊