Community Information

Headspace July Newsletter
Healthdirect provides virtual care for children 16 years and under who meet specific triage criteria. Parents, carers and community members are encouraged to utilise this service if their child is unwell.
At this time of year, there are respiratory illnesses circulating in our community. Health care professional access is in high demand and Healthdirect is another health care option available, in addition to the local Emergency Department. Healthdirect is a convenient, user-friendly service which also now provides virtual care for children 16 years and under who meet specific triage criteria, without leaving home. Call Healthdirect on (1800 022 222) anytime day or night if your child is unwell and you're not sure what to do or where to go. Healthdirect is free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A registered nurse will answer your call, ask some questions and connect you with the right care for your baby, child or young person. This care may include virtual care for your child, provided by senior paediatric nurses and paediatricians, without you having to leave your home. If it’s an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) or go to an Emergency Department. Here is a short video that promotes the Healthdirect service from a parent’s experience when seeking care for their sick child.
Benevolent Society
The Smith Family Saver Plus
Miss-Connection: why your teenager needs to talk
Our College has identified the opportunity of bringing together keynote speakers, researchers and leaders in their respective areas to look at some of the emerging and current issues challenging girls and parents of daughters.
Please join us for our 2024 Community Forum:
Miss-Connection -
Why your teenager ‘hates’ you, expects the world and needs to talk.
Spend an evening with Dr Justin Coulson relevant to parents, educators and those working with pre-teens and teens across the New England, North West Region.
Trying to guide a teenage daughter through a complex adolescent world is… well, complicated. Mental health concerns, body image issues, premature and/or non-consensual intimacy, friendship challenges, and alcohol and drugs are just the tip of the iceberg.
Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the science and provides practical real-world advice for parenting your teenage daughter. You’ll leave this presentation with simple and valuable tools and techniques to help you guide your daughters safely and successfully through adolescence.
You’ll discover what is really going on in the minds of our teenage daughters – how do they really feel and what do they wish you knew? Find out how we can stay connected to our daughters and keep them motivated, whilst also dealing with the eye-rolls and bad attitude.
We’ll talk about how we can keep them safe and informed without them pushing us away; and how to encourage them to develop strong, healthy relationships and resilience. Plus we’ll cover the best things we can do to support our daughters during this tumultuous time.
Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He holds a PhD in Positive Psychology.
Over the past decade he has helped innumerable families with his nine books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets, and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!
Justin and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of six daughters.
* Please note to allow uncensored discussion; this event is for adults only.
To be held in the Astra Arts Centre, PLC Armidale, on Thursday, 8 August , from 5:30pm. Light refreshments included.
Open to all community members regardless of where their daughters go to school. This event is one of a series focusing on factors that impact the growth and development of young women in an increasingly technological, disconnected, digital and highly sexualised world.
We appreciate you promoting this forum in your professional network and community newsletters.
At the end of the evening, Dr Coulson will join College Principal, Mrs Nicola Taylor, and College Psychologist, Ms Penny Kempton, in a Q&A session.
To purchase tickets visit
Northern Inland Basketball League
Northern Inland Basketball League 2024 has gone to 3x3 Basketball... that's just like "STREET BALL". If you've played basketball at school.... you know how to play!!!
This league is designed to provide kids with an opportunity to play basketball with their friends, in a competitive environment against other towns in the region. Low Cost. Low Travel.
** Registrations close Sun 4th Aug.
Armidale Basketball Association