Breaksea House News

A Positive Start to Term Three

As Term Three kicks off, the school is buzzing with energy and excitement. This term is shaping up to be one of growth, achievement, and community spirit. Here’s a look at some of the highlights that have already made this term memorable. 

Boarders Return Refreshed

Our boarders returned from their holidays rejuvenated and ready to dive into the new term. The break provided them with the perfect opportunity to rest and recharge, and their enthusiasm is evident in their eagerness to engage in school activities. The time off also allowed those who participated in Country Week sports to recuperate, ensuring they are in top form as Winter Sports continue in full swing. 

Country Week Champions

Speaking of Country Week, our school had an exceptional showing this year. I had the privilege of watching the two Griffins teams compete against each other, and I was hugely impressed with the standard of hockey and the sportsmanship demonstrated by the girls. It’s no surprise that we have champions among us, with nine students from Breaksea winning the A Grade Hockey at Country Week. Congratulations to all Country Week competitors, coaches, and organisers – from all accounts, Country Week was a blast! 

Winter Sport and Music Rehearsals in Full Swing

With the success of Country Week behind us, our athletes are now focused on the Winter Sports season. The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by our teams are truly inspiring. Training sessions are in full swing, and the commitment to excellence is evident in every practice and game. We look forward to cheering on our boarders as they continue to showcase their talents and sportsmanship on and off the field.  

We also have two exciting musical performances coming up this term with many of our Breaksea students involved.  Radio Active is in Week Six and Kingfisher Concert is in Week Eight.  These two performances will showcase the talents of Sophie Harris, Emmeline Cunningham, Rif McNeil-Hanna, Brianna Cunningham, Holly Cole and Dannielle Frost. Lily Quick will also perform at Kingfisher Concert.

Welcoming New Members to our Community

This term, we are delighted to welcome two new members to our boarding community. Isabella Sprigg, a Year Ten student from Mukinbudin, and Ms Axelle Sommelier from France, who is now working on Friday mornings in Breaksea. We extend a warm welcome to both and are excited to have them join our community. 


Their presence adds to the diversity and vibrancy of our school. 



We have many birthdays to celebrate in Breaksea this term, but first, we must acknowledge our Boarding Captain, Brianna Cunningham, who turned 18 over the holidays. We wish Bree many happy returns! 


Best wishes must also go to Sophie Harris who turned 17 this week.


Looking Ahead

As we move forward into Term Three, the positive start we’ve experienced sets a promising tone for the rest of the term. With new opportunities, programs, and a collective commitment to excellence, we are poised for a term filled with growth, achievement, and unforgettable experiences. 


I want to acknowledge the tremendous effort everyone is putting in during these challenging times. The supervisors and I are dedicated to providing a positive and nurturing environment for our students. It's important that you keep us informed about any concerns or changes, so we can continue to provide the best care for our boarders. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. 


Ms Liz Stewart | Head of Breaksea House