Eclipse House News

Welcome back to Term Three of Eclipse boarding. I hope all families enjoyed their time together over the break and boarders are feeling motivated and refreshed for another term. It has been great to hear about all the holiday adventures. 


In the first week of Term Three, all boarders have been reviewing the Semester One reports. There has been a lot of growth demonstrated over the first half of the year and it has been pleasing to hear and work through the boy’s future ambitions and goals. 


Our Term Three focus this year revolves around Four Agreements. These agreements have been adapted from a New York Times bestselling author, Don Miguel Ruiz. 


Everything we do in life is based on the agreements we have made – agreements with ourselves, with other people, with society and with our faith. The most important agreements we make are the ones we make with ourselves. In these agreements we tell ourselves who we are, how to behave, what is possible, what is impossible. We say, “This is what I am. I can do certain things, and some things I cannot do”. The four agreements that we are gravitating to are aimed at personal and collective growth. These currently are at the forefront of our conversations, actions and social connections. How we understand and action these agreements will take place over the course of the Term. 

  • Be Impeccable with Your Word
  • Don’t Take Anything Personally
  • Don’t Make Assumptions
  • Always Do Your Best 

Myself and our team of supervisors are looking forward to another fun filled and engaged term. For the Year Twelve’s, it is their final full term on their GSG boarding journey. We anticipate a positive and joyful period and look to celebrate their journey. 


We also welcome our newest member to Eclipse boarding. Jack Casson is in Year Ten and he joins us from Frankland River. We are delighted to have him part of the house. We wish Jack a smooth transition into boarding life and the day school. 


We have had several birthdays this month starting with our new boarder Jack Casson. Daniel Barrett-Lennard was our first Year Twelve Eclipse boarder to turn 18. Eden Bairstow and Patrick Buckenara also celebrated their birthdays.  Best wishes to all.

Please make contact if you have any concerns or questions regarding you son’s time in boarding. We are here to help. 


Mr Taylor Colton | Head of Eclipse House