Anchorage House News

Welcome back to Term Three in Anchorage House. The boys have hit the ground running in true Anchorage spirit! The afternoons have been spent hitting golf balls and chatting with Mr Myles Cuthbert or riding bikes around the campus watched and supported by Mr Greg Mackay. This has gained traction over the last few weeks and thanks to the Outdoor Education shed being located on site, they have managed to be able to use and return equipment when needed.

Sport continues to dominate the afternoons/weekends during the term. Our bus drivers have been doing a wonderful job with all the moving parts involved in getting our boys to and from venues. I like the new system of Heads of Boarding House checking training in REACH and approving them, I hope this has relieved a bit of anxiety from your end.


The Olympics are bringing the house alive during the evening and mornings. It has been great to see the boys get around the events like the basketball and hockey the other evening. We have allowed the Year Eights to stretch the routine times a little bit to stay up with the Year Nines to watch the Aussies in action.


Isaiah Carpio, like many of our boarders spent some time at home over the weekend helping out on the farm and catching up with his family. What was very unique about this weekend trip was that he was fortunate enough to fly back from Katanning with his family from the farm to Albany. I was able to run out and collect him from Albany Airport at 7.45am and bring him into school. Now that is arriving in style!!

I am lucky enough to teach more of our boarders this semester. The students will be bringing home some great Western Australian Hardwood projects over the next two terms.

The boys are making the most of our Albany weather systems. Even in the rain our boys are burning energy outside, something we always encourage around the house. The slide came out during one of those days. Sunrises have been spectacular, lighting up the sky with a chilly start to most. 

My wife Lisa, Buddy and I are getting out for our morning walk, while Mrs Sally Mellows comes on shift to get your boys up and about for the day. 


We had two birthdays in house last week.  Happy birthday to both Billy Hams who turned 14 and Cameron Hooper who turned 13.  Best wishes to you both.


Mr Ashley Keatch | Head of Anchorage House