From the Boarding Captains

Term Three has eased us back into our usual routines. I hope everyone has had a wonderful and relaxing holiday. There has been a calm feeling around Boarding as the cold weather brings us together inside our houses. I have found many boarders huddled by heaters and layered in many blankets. The Breaksea Year Twelves have seen the construction of a monster of a puzzle as we group together to keep warm.


A couple of new faces have appeared in the boarding houses. I welcome all the new students to boarding. I hope you have all settled in well and have been enjoying being part of our special community. 


In the day school we have a couple of events coming up. On 8 August, Mokare Day features a dress up day with the theme of icons of the world. Dress as your favourite duo, trio, person, character, place or landmark. Bring a gold coin donation with your dress up and there will also be a cake stall. All money raised goes to RUAH, a community service provider in WA that helps provide free family, health and wellness, housing and legal services to those in need. I believe that it a great foundation for the school to support. More info about RUAH can be found on their website:

This term we are also celebrating Book Week. This is the first time, in quite a while, that this event is being celebrated as a whole school event and I encourage everyone to dress up and celebrate literacy on 22 August. The theme for this year is “The Magic of Reading”. This week is after the long weekend so I encourage all boarders to look through the old dress up boxes to see what childhood costumes you can find. I can't wait to see everyone’s outfits for these two special days.


I hope everyone has a magnificent term.


Brianna Cunningham | Boarding Captain


Term Three has started like any other term with everyone getting back into their normal routines after a well-deserved two-week holiday. The senior houses have all been talking about Country Week and the fun they had playing their favourite sport. The Junior Houses came back excited to catch up with their friends that they haven’t seen all holidays. 


With the Olympics up and running it is good to see the TVs filled with green and gold while our boarders get around supporting the Australians. From hockey to table tennis there is plenty of sport to keep us entertained all week long.


Respect. What is it? It is something you show others by admiring them for their abilities, qualities, or achievements. We should all show respect to each other in a boarding environment. This creates a culture where everyone can feel valued and like they belong. Being respectful to everyone will not only create a positive environment but will make yourself feel good as you show kindness to those around you.


I hope everyone has an enjoyable rest of term, and for Year Twelves, an amazing last term.


Steven Wiech | Boarding Captain