Administration News

2024 Boarding Parent Survey

Thank you to all parents/guardians who completed the 2024 Boarding Parent Survey.  We would like to take this opportunity to address some comments made in the survey this year.


Meals are nutritional, varied and flavoursome

'I have no idea if they are or not, as I don't eat them'. 

We invite parents to share a meal in the dining hall at any time of the year.  If you would like to do this, please just let us know so that the Chefs can cater for you.


The recreational programme provides enjoyable opportunities that enhance the social connections in boarding.

'I can't remember the last time they went to the cinema'.

We do try to make the most of good weather during Terms One and Four, saving cinema outings for the colder months.  Having said that, if there is a movie that students really would like to see, it's easy to arrange a trip to the cinema.


My child is engaged in an appropriate amount of sport, music and recreation whilst at school and boarding.

'I have enquired about the rowing club but have not had any feedback'.

All parents will receive an email calling for expressions of interest in sport at the end of Term One for Winter Sport and Term Three for Summer Sport.  Rowing runs in the Summer sport schedule, so you can expect an email from the Sport Department towards the end of this term.  


I read the Boarding Buzz and find it informative.

'I would like to see lots more pictures of all of the students, not just the same ones'.

We do try to ensure that there are a variety of photos of all students in the Boarding Buzz. Some students do however prefer not to have their photo displayed, which we respect. The Endeavour students in particular like to look through the photos first before any are published and they choose which ones can go into the Boarding Buzz.


I am a member of the Parent Support Messenger groups for my child's year group.

'As there is only such a small number in the year, it might be worth combining the years'.

We have combined Years Seven and Eight into a single group for both Endeavour and Anchorage.  We will continue to monitor group sizes going forward.


I am aware of the Annual Boarding Forum in September as an opportunity to visit the boarding facilities, hear from staff and engage with other families and my child on campus.

'I wasn't aware there was a boarding committee, who is on it or its purpose'.

Details of the Boarding Parent Committee can be found on MyGSG under Boarding, Information, Parent Committee.  There you will find the following documents:

The annual boarding forum is usually set for the last day of Term Three to allow parents to gather, have Q & A time with staff and share a meal before collecting their children for the school holidays.  We are finalising some details and will confirm this date with families as soon as possible. So, for now please pencil in Friday 20 September.


My child's private appointments are managed well by boarding.

'When leave is created for an appointment, there needs to be a No Host option please'.

We have removed the appointment leave type in REACH as it serves the same purpose as the Albany Central leave type.  This leave type does have a No Host option.  Where a student is absent from boarding for an appointment (eg in Perth), this should be overnight leave.


'The days that transport can be provided to medical appointments makes it difficult to secure appointments'.

We do try to keep medical appointments to two days where possible to allow our staff to meet their other commitments each week, however if the matter is of a more urgent nature, we will assign a staff member to accompany students to appointments.


The Boarding Administration Officer provides quality service to boarders and boarding families.

'I still get confused as to who I am meant to ask what questions to'.

  • Any questions relating to boarding can emailed to myself via In most cases, I will be able to answer any queries relating to boarding. Alternatively, I will redirect your queries to the appropriate staff member.
  • Any questions relating to school can be emailed to and our Secondary Administration Officer will forward your query to the appropriate staff member.

I hope this has answered some questions for families. Please feel free to get in touch at any stage if you have a question that you need answered.  It may even spark a Frequently Asked Questions section for future issues of the Boarding Buzz.

Mokare Day

Mokare has their fundraising/dress up day on Thursday of Week Four.  Our Boarding Captain, Brianna Cunningham has provided more detail about the dress up day in her Boarding Captains report here.

Mrs Dianne Franzinelli | Boarding Administration Officer