Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Week 2



This award is going to a resilient learner who has been working hard on his goal of building letter sound knowledge. Now that he has achieved this goal he is ready to tackle his next reading goal! I'm very proud of how hard you are working to be a superstar reader. Well done Rayyan!



For being a reflective learner who is thinking about his emotions and using the engagement continuum to know when he is ready to learn.  Your focus on completing learning tasks and doing your best is really starting to show especially in Maths tasks. Keep up the hard work Udayveer!



For being a motivated learner during our writing sessions. Ryder demonstrated creativity during our work on procedure writing. His recent piece on How to Make a Potion was outstanding and filled with fascinating ingredients. Your enthusiasm for writing and commitment to improving your skills is a great example for the rest of the class. Keep up the great work Ryder!



For having a positive start to Term 3. Chhaz showed he was motivated to learn new things by listening to instructions and asking for help when needed, particularly in Writing. Here he designed a creative potion on how to run super fast which included some interesting ingredients! Well done on your great start to Term 3 Chhaz, we are very proud of you. 



You have been such a motivated learner this term. We look forward to hearing your creative stories about fairies and mermaids and seeing the effort you have been putting into your letters and sounds. Well done on showing such engagement in your learning Kavya! Keep it up. 


Sofia L 

For being a creative and collaborative learner in our learning community. Sofia is an excellent leader who consistently celebrates the groups she is a part of. A great example of this was the encouragement that she demonstrated last week during our pre-concert performance.



For being a motivated and creative learner in Maths last week. Josh has been working hard to learn new multiplication and division strategies, and has succeeded in using the CUBES strategy to solve challenging problems. Well done on consistently engaging in your learning, keep it up!



For consistently demonstrating resilience in your learning. Jill, you complete tasks to a high standard, even when they're challenging. Your dedication to a difficult grammar task on the Literacy grid last week showcases your hard work and determination.





For being a collaborative learner. You demonstrated the ability to listen to your peers and share your ideas respectfully with others when completing the group task on stereotyping. Utkarsh you consistently demonstrate empathy and understanding towards your peers, Keep being a role model to others. 


















Harley - For being a reflective and collaborative learner this week. You worked with your team to create a polished photo imovie. Fairly negotiating roles and encouraging your team. You showed this same reflective approach in your learning, which helped you be successful in all learning areas. Keep up the fantastic attitude Harley!


Ojus - For being a creative and collaborative leader in our class this week. You used your musical knowledge to help both our performances on Friday be our best and a little bit more! You also encouraged your peers to help our class to have such a successful prayer service, despite a few changes on the day! Keep being such a positive role model for others Ojus! 



For being a curious learner. You enjoy learning about new topics and ideas. You love exploring and investigating new ways of thinking and doing things. You are open to sharing your thinking, asking questions and offering suggestions.  Please keep up your great work in this space Palash! 

Week 3



This award is going to you for showing curiosity about all the olympics activity rotations last week. It was great to see how interested you were in each activity and how you collaborated with classmates. Well done Edward, keep up your enthusiasm! 



For doing her best and a little bit more in all learning areas.  You are showing curiosity when you ask about spelling patterns and have a go at sounding out words in literacy. In Maths you keep trying your best to solve addition and subtraction word problems.  Well done, Sai. 



For demonstrating outstanding resilience and a desire to challenge herself in her learning. Eva has shown remarkable perseverance, overcoming challenges with a positive attitude and determination and bouncing back from challenging situations quickly. Specifically, she has pushed herself in her non-fiction writing by adding additional subheadings and actively seeking feedback on her work. Her eagerness to take on new challenges and push her limits inspires us all. Keep up the excellent work, Eva!



For being a motivated learner during. Leon was engaged and excited this week to research information on a bottlenose dolphin. He carefully recorded important information and presented them in a clear information report. Well done Leon, we are so proud of you. 



For being a collaborative learner during writing this past week. You worked together with a partner to produce a fabulous information report on Dolphins. You presented your work with confidence and we are so proud to see how much you have grown this year. Well done Megha.



For being a reflective and motivated learner who is continuously driving his learning, especially in literacy! Harsh has been completing tasks to a high standard and acting on teacher feedback. Keep up the sensational work Harsh!



For being a creative and reflective learner during Writing last week. Hartej thoughtfully used the text structure from the book ‘Stellaluna’ to write his own story. He carefully chose each word and used creativity to improve his vocabulary. Well done, Hartej! 



For being a collaborative team member in small groups. Ramielle, your positive attitude and willingness to collaborate make you an essential part of any team. You are respectful and supportive at all times. Well Done Ramielle. 



For being a resilient and motivated learner when practising our class scene for the musical. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude has been contagious in the class. Keep up the dedication to the production and your inspiring ability to inspire others. Well Done, Sophia. 



For being a motivated learner! You bring enthusiasm and dedication to all learning opportunities. You reflect on what you have learnt, and seek clarification or extension to move your learning to the next step. For example this week during Maths, where you drove your learning in our Angles unit. Great work Ashton, keep it up!



For being a creative learner!  You use your imagination to present your work in lots of different ways, and you have created some beautiful designs to display in our classroom, such as your stained glass window.  You ask questions about your learning and are open to exploring different ways to solve problems.  Well done Anisha - great effort!