Learning and Teaching News

There has been a lot happening @ SMDP over the past couple of weeks.

Grandparents and Grandfriends Celebration

We were so delighted to welcome grandparents and grandfriends to St Martin's a couple of weeks ago as we celebrated Grandparents and Grandfriends Day.


There was a magnificent turn out and our learning spaces were filled with love, stories and a lot of knowledge and wisdom!

Our student leaders proudly and capably acted as "meeters and greeters" and our visitors participated in surveys, games and acted as story tellers and a captive audience!


They were guests of honour at a prayer liturgy created and led by Year 5/6K students and then joined together to share a cuppa, some lovely morning tea and a chat.


Thank you for your on-going love and support of your grandchildren. It creates a connected and healthy community of which we are all beneficiaries.

100 Days of School

Reaching a century is a big deal whether it be in cricket, age or days at school.

It warrants a celebration and that’s exactly what happened last Monday when Ally and Nell and their prep students had a day celebrating everything to do with 100.


They made fairy bread with 100s and 1000s, constructed fruit loop necklaces with 100 pieces, made towers out of 100 blocks and of course came to school dressed as 100 year olds.


This is the best day of my life” a student commented before they all went home for a very long “nanna nap”.


Such days are a very real example of the growth and development of learners who only 100 days ago arrived at school as beginners, kinder kids and our newest SMDP learners.


Congratulations to our Prep students and their teachers on all your learning over the past 100 days. 


Imagine their achievements when they reach their 1000 days of learning milestone!

Green and Gold Day

We turned green and gold on Friday 2nd August in support of the Australian Olympic Team.


‘Green & Gold Day’ was a demonstration of our belief that sport has the power to unite us all.


Our blue uniforms gave way to our national colours as we showed our pride in our Australian Olympian's sporting achievements.


The Year Six leaders created and ran a range of events for our very own SMDP Olympics. There were a variety of fun and skillful activities but ultimately it was about coming together and celebrating the green and gold.


Writing is a powerful tool that allows us to explore ideas, communicate thoughts, and connect with others. As Natalie Goldberg wisely observed, "Writing is an act of discovering what you think and believe." The following examples of student writing demonstrate the development of critical thinking, creativity, and personal voice.

Inquiry Units for Term 3

As we explore the big concepts of Identity, Creativity & Wellbeing across all year levels in Term 3, here is an outline of Inquiry Units at each year level.


Prep - Super Self!

How can I be the best me physically, emotionally and creatively?


An inquiry into what makes me, me and how I can think and act to be the best version of me. We explore physical health, wellbeing, abilities and challenges. The ultimate goal is for students to know and understand themselves, and have strategies to overcome challenges. 


Year One/Two - Superpower Up

How can I be awesome in my brain, in my body and in my heart?


An Inquiry into what it takes to be a successful person where I understand myself, my limitations and my talents. The six dispositions from Visible Learning (Creativity, Curiosity, Motivation, Resilience, Reflection and Collaboration) will be explored and applied. Physical health and how that connects to our success as well as how our emotions affect our life will be explored. Finally we will problem solve using these dispositions.


Year Three/Four - The Puzzle of Me

What shapes my uniqueness and what outside factors shape who I am and who I am becoming?


An inquiry into students' sense of self and purpose and what makes them unique. It explores their potential and the factors that impact that potential including, media, health and wellbeing. Family, culture, media, friends and music as influences that shape uniqueness will be investigated.


Year Five/Six - Knowing Me, Knowing You

Who am I and who are you and how do we understand each other?


An Inquiry into  identity - our own and others. It looks at perceptions, stereotyping, creativity and wellbeing. Communication will be explored including how we communicate  through our actions and words and through the  Arts. Opportunities will be provided to look at how we can discover and pursue our passions.


Elise Coghlan

Co-Deputy Principal | Literacy & Numeracy Leader | 

Visible Learning Leader



Denise Kelly

Co-Deputy Principal | Learning & Teaching Leader