Discovery Centre
Selamat siang,
Splash! We have jumped straight into Term 3 and dived right into our Water Safety Program. Students have demonstrated bravery, perseverance and zest throughout swimming lessons so far and we are all so excited to continue the program next week. It has been a wonderful opportunity for students to build their independence and learn valuable information about how to be safe around water.
Another highlight for many students this week was playing 'Get Out Of My House', a math game to practise and develop place value and addition knowledge. It was wonderful to see students using teamwork to add numbers together to find the total, using strategies such as counting on, subitising and doubles.
Have a wonderful week,
Tegan, Emma and Ashley
Student Voice
- Student Name -
- Swimming program continues next week Monday to Friday.
- Please ensure all belongings for swimming are clearly labelled with your child’s first name and last name or letter. Lost property can be drop off/collected from FT
- Monday 29th July - Mount Pleasant's Got Talent at The Round. Please give permission for your child to attend via Sentral
- Friday 2nd August -100 Days of School Parade at 3:10 in the school courtyard. Students to wear something that makes them happy to celebrate 'Happy 100 Days of School'.
Pupil of the Week
FC - Jasmine S
For showing confidence in sharing with the class about your holidays. Good Job!
FE - Leo H
For demonstrating perseverance and zest during the Swimming Water Safety program. It has been wonderful to see your enthusiasm.
FT - Shanaya M
For demonstrating a love of learning when playing "Get Out Of My House" in Maths this week. You did a fantastic job identifying numbers.