Inquiry Centre
Welcome back to Term 3 Inquiry Centre Families. We hope you had a fantastic and relaxing holiday break. This week we have jumped straight into a swimming program. Students have been demonstrating our school values beautifully when travelling on the bus and engaging with the staff at the pool. We are so proud of the independence and agency they are showing us.
In Writing, we are starting to learn about the Olympics which will support our Guided Inquiry topic this term. Students have been learning about some of the Australian athletes that will be competing in Paris in just a few weeks.
We hope you have had a great week,
Mrs Seadon, Kate, Emma, Suzie, Miss Emmett, Miss Shaye and Amanda.
Student Voice
I like swimming because:
- "It is fun going on the bus" - Joey X
- "I like kicking and splashing in the water" - Elvin K
- "I get to learn new things" - Kiaan L
- "The pool teacher's help us to do new things" - Hudson H
- "I get to see my friends" - Sophie W
- "I learnt how to do Freestyle" - Hailey K
- During swimming please send extra snacks for your child as they are usually more hungry with the extra physical activity.
- Please ensure all belongings for swimming are clearly labelled with your child’s first name and last name or letter.
- If you could send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class.
Pupil of the Week
1/2A - Maahir M
For demonstrating responsibility when making sure you are ready to go swimming.
1/2M - Aaron P
For displaying perseverance during Swimming sessions. You consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and have a smile on your face. Well done!
1/2S - Anson K
For showing responsibility during our swimming lessons. You were always prepared, ready to go and had your listening ears on.
1/2KS - Max S
For demonstrating a love of learning when challenging yourself to complete transformations. You describe the changes when flipping, sliding and turning letters in your name.
1/2E - Debyansh J
For displaying a growth mindset and taking on feedback positively in Writing! A great start to Term 3! Keep up the awesome work Debyansh!