Principal's Message

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back everyone for Term 3!

We have made a great start to the term as we begin our first week of the Whole School Swimming and Water Safety program. Of course it goes without saying that our students have represented themselves very well, they have shown respect and true lifelong learning as they engage in the swimming lessons. 

We value being able to be the only school at the pool and it has been great to reconnect with many of the same swimming teachers. The pool also has an additional instructor that supervise our small group swimming sessions and this works well to support students to be in the correct group for their swimming skill development.

School Photos arrive next Friday!


MPGT is a biennial whole school event that will take place on Monday 29th July at 1.30pm. Performers either compete in the Junior Section F-2 or Senior Section Years 3-6. This year the MPGT will be held at The Round, 379-399 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading VIC 3131. In addition to the MPGT competitors the Senior Choir, Senior Dance Troupe and the new School Band will perform. The whole school will attend the performance on the day and parents/carers of the performers have been invited to attend.  You are able to purchase tickets via this link

Junior students will be bussed to the venue with performers and Senior students will walk.


Digital Technology @ MPRPS

Thank you to the families that filled out our Digital Technology survey. It is now closed and we are in the process of collating the data to share the results back. We had 66 respondents.

67 responses to the survey. We are also engaging and consulting with DE and stakeholders around up to date and current information around revising our program.


We have received and distributed the 2024 NAPLAN Results to Year 3 and Year 5 students and are awaiting the collated data on relevant platforms. 

Term 3 Statement of Intents

The Statement of Intents for each Learning Centre are linked below and available on our website. These documents outline the Victorian Curriculum, events, assessment and portfolio tasks and are a valuable resources for conversations about school at home.

Term 3 Statements of Intent - School Website


Professional Learning Communities

The teachers at MPRPS&K work closely together to not only plan the teaching and learning program and assess students to create the best learning tasks and environment for our students but also improve our practices.

Learning Centre Teams have recently finalised their first PLC Datawise cycle focused around the priority question: “How might we structure collaborative planning to further strengthen effective differentiation and enrichment in Mathematics?”

Throughout this process, staff follow a specific Improvement Process including analysing data, planning for assessment, examining instruction and developing a relevant action plan to enact and review within an allocated timeframe. 

We share our findings with a particular focus on something we plan to continue on with based on our professional learning, observations and data. 


This year NAIDOC Week will be held from 7th of July until 14th of July to recognise and celebrate the cultures, histories and beliefs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This year's theme is: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud!

There are many events happening in Naarm (Melbourne) during NAIDOC week and classes have spent time reflecting on and investigating the theme for the year through a range of learning tasks and First Nations texts.

School Disco

This years disco will be held during the school day on the 9th of August. We are so excited for this years themes of:

Junior: Glow in the dark

Senior: Through the decades

The disco will be a gold coin donation to cover glow sticks and decorations.