
Cameron Azer | Assistant Principal                                                                                                                        Image: Foundation students (100 Days of school)                                                                                                                       

100 days of Foundation

Well done and a big congratulations to all our Foundation students on completing 100 days of school! From the very first day our little learners have made leaps and bounds in their development. They have been introduced to the magical world of letters, words, sounds, numbers, shapes, counting, creativity, imagination, research, friendships and social/emotional wellbeing. They have inquired and built a deeper understanding into a range of topics and questions, such as, how are we connected? How are toys made?And how dothe changes in weather affect our environment?


We believe that our students have formed a wide range of friendships and shown kindness within a positive learning environment. They have learned to share, help one another and resolve conflict with empathy and understanding. It is has been a great opportunity to reflect and celebrate their compassion and the way they've formed lasting friendships.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents, families and guardians who have been actively involved in their child's learning journey. Your support and collaboration have been invaluable in creating a nurturing and engaging environment for our students.


Lastly, a big thank you to our wonderful Foundation teachers! Your commitment and care for all students has been a big reason for all their success. It's incredible to witness their growth and enthusiasm as they continue to develop their foundational skills and embrace the joy of learning. We cannot wait to see what happens in the future and let's continue to make learning an inspiring adventure!

Potato Olympics - Grade 5

Last week the Grade Fives participated in the Potato Olympics. We decorated and named our potatoes and measured them in different ways. We had an opening ceremony and a closing ceremony with Australia winning the most medals! We had some really fun activities such as break dancing, diving and our favourite activity; gymnastics. This was where you had to balance your potato on 6 chopsticks until you were left hanging on by two chopsticks. There was one really hard activity called Equestrian where you had to balance the potato on your head with a plate and also on a ruler and then  throw it into a cup. After that we had to add up our time by hours, minutes and seconds.  When we did athletics we converted metres tocentimetres to millimetres. During the Opening Ceremony we made our own River Seine with tinsel and all the countries got to walk down the aisle (river) with their teammates! We loved it. 


By Amelia Quintana and Scarlett Ward (5B)

Dreamtime Stories

Our Grade 6 students have continued a focus on Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and artistic symbols to paint a series of rocks and stones which depict their own story of Hampton Primary School. It was a fun activity that helped the students learn about aboriginal culture and their stories. They learnt the symbolism and importance of each pattern and learnt more about traditions of Indigenous Australians. We are now investigating the certain locations where these can be placed around the school for everyone to enjoy. Well done Grade 6!