FCIP Senior & Intermediate Camps

FCIP Captain  - Sienna J


On the first week of the holidays, our Senior FCIP groups traveled to Brookfield QCCC where we spent three days fine tuning our musical repertoire for upcoming concerts, performances, and Queensland Colleges Music Festival (QCMF) in August. Even though this camp was three days of purely playing our instruments, all students enjoyed spending time with each other sitting on the lawn, playing beach volleyball, pool, ping pong or cricket. Especially on the cold mornings and nights, everyone enthusiastically gathered in the heated dining hall where we were met with delectable meals and time to relax talking to each other. Additionally, students also enjoyed a movie night which continued the following day featuring How to Train Your Dragon which was a big hit especially with the incredible score and storyline of the movie. As per camp tradition, hosted by me and Padua’s FCIP captain, we ran FCIP Has Talent/No Talent where students performed their best or their worst to a panel of FCIP staff judges who awarded prizes. This is a night of laughs, applause and memories which was then followed by a quick session of karaoke where everyone tested their singing skills. Especially for the last time with our seniors, this camp was a great time of detaching from normal life, playing music, and connecting with friends.

In Week 1 of Term 3, our Junior and Intermediate FCIP groups ventured to Lake Ainsworth in Lennox Head where they also spent three days rehearsing their repertoires and participating in a range of activities with their ensembles fostering growth and connections. Activities that they participated in include making damper around a campfire, archery, beach games, and initiatives where students worked together to complete challenges, games and cooking out in nature while having lots of fun along the way. Getting prepared for QCMF in the upcoming weeks and while not doing activities, ensembles rehearsed their repertoire a few hours a day where it is evident that ensembles fine-tuned their pieces.

Music camp is an amazing experience that the Franciscans on the Hill and the FCIP provide fostering growth and connections between our musicians. Ask any of our FCIP staff and they will say that the musical growth that occurs over the three days is equal to at least half a term of rehearsals. From experience, our musicians’ bond over a common interest, growing their minds and skills as we prepare to end the musical year with QCMF in Week 5 and end of year concerts for all three age groups (Junior, Intermediate and Senior) starting towards the end of the term.