Wellbeing News

Last night we had a very well attended parent session with Dan Petro. Dan Petro is a behaviour analyst and a director of Behavioural Resources Australia Pty Ltd where he utilises his extensive professional history of developing positive behaviour support and intervention programs including providing the implementation training. For over 35 years, Dan has provided professional services in two distinct settings: education/family support, and the public safety/emergency services sector. This offers him a unique scope of experience to apply client needs. Originally from California, Dan's clients have included families, school districts, education departments, human service organisations, and public safety/emergency services agencies. His academic degrees includes a Bachelor’s in Behavioural Science, and a Master’s in Counselling Psychology.



This session provided attendees with a deeper understanding of their role as parent to children in 2024. I certainly came away feeling empowered with tools to parent effectively and with love and humour and I feel confident the parents that were in attendance did also.


If you wish to have more opportunities such as last night's, please let me know via email angela.flint@smnthmelbourne.catholic.edu.au