Religious Dimension

Sunday's Gospel - 17th Sunday in Ordinary time

John 6:1-15 -Feed the 5000

Our students and their families, in Year 1 and 2, joined our Parishioners at mass on Sunday, along with their class teachers. After practising their readings and prayers in preparation for the Mass, they courageously  and confidently presented them in front of a packed congregation.  It is always wonderful to have our students being part of the liturgies.  Father Dispin shared the Gospel about Jesus Feeding the 5000, which is a very familiar story to our students. This story inspires us to gain an understanding of what we can achieve together when we work in harmony to solve a problem. In this Gospel story, there was not enough food to feed the crowds who came to listen to and follow Jesus. The disciples Andrew and Phillip were both concerned and perhaps without solutions even though Jesus knew what he was going to do. With a small offering of loaves fish and barley from a young boy who offered what he had, Jesus performed a miracle with an abundance of food for all.  

At Sunday's mass, Father Dispin reminded us to start with even smallest offering when needed and let God work through his people to provide the rest. This is when the miracles can happen. I wonder if there is a time that you have seen people come together to help others. Try not to ever give up on praying and supporting each other.



Important Dates

Everyone is welcome to join us at the community mass each Tuesday at 10am, when our classes will also be celebrating and participating.


TERM 3 CLASS MASSES - Tuesday at 10am at St John's Church

Week 3       Year 5/6C- Mrs. FarrarJuly 30 - cancelled due to incursion
Week 4       Year 6 Students (Reconciliation)August 6                       
Week 5        Year 5/6A - Mrs. Qiu/Mrs North-CoombesAugust 13
Week 6        Year 3/4A - Miss StuartAugust 20
Week 7        Year Prep - Miss WooleyAugust 27
Week 8        Year 3/4B - MarisaSeptember 3
Week 9        Year 1/2A - Miss MaioSeptember 10
Week 10      Year 1/2B - Mrs. Hendy and Mrs. WebbSeptember 17                                     
What WhenWhere
Year 6 - Confirmation Retreat Day

Friday, 19 July 


St. John's PS at the Coghlan Centre
Year level 1 and 2 MassSunday, July 28 at 11:15amSt. John's Church
Year 6 - Confirmation Date

Saturday, 10 August at 3:15pm


St John's Church
Feast of the Assumption MassThursday, August 15 at 10amSt John's Church

Melinda Buscema 
