Community News


Issue 5 of the Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home with your child last week.

Please place your orders at by Monday, 5 August 2024 at the latest.

Each order will help earn books and teaching materials for our classrooms at St John's. 

Unfortunately no cash or late orders can be processed.

For queries: Cynthia Timoti - 0421 835 778 (Maxwell 5/6B, Jasper 5/6A).

Marriage Encounter Weekend

Live Your Best Life in Love...

A Marriage Encounter weekend is for you…

Every married couple deserves this very special weekend.

Time-out to nurture your most precious relationship away from daily distractions.  

The two of you will come away from your weekend feeling more deeply connected 

and with tools to help keep the passion alive.

No group sharing required.

The weekend is based around Catholic values. Couples of all faiths are welcome.


Please check our website for more details and to book your special weekend:

Our next weekend is: 4 - 6 October 2024 at St Paul's Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.

Starts Friday evening at 7pm and finishes Sunday afternoon around 4:30pm


Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or
