Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly, on Friday the 26th of July at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB).
FKH - Oliver K - for an amazing start at Macedon Primary.
FSI - Tom B-H - for his amazing writing in his holiday diary.
1/2TT - Beau C - for being a kind, caring and helpful class member.
1/2TT - Zac S - for amazing writing all by himself.
1/2VW - Ollie S - for always doing his best work.
1/2VW - Eve W - for working hard in maths.
3/4BM - Blake D - for showing responsibilityand working hard in all learning activities.
3/4BM- Spencer R - for his happy and enthusiastic attitude in class EVERY day!
3/4HC - Maggie S - for her excellent work in all areas of our learning. Well done Maggie!
3/4HC - Ted S - for his hard work in all areas of our learning. Keep up the great work Ted!
3/4MS - Ida S - for all her beautifully presented work in her inquiry and Kids Matter Books.
3/4MS - Verity M - for working hard on her presentation skills. Well done.
5/6GP - Sam C - for amazing effort and enthusiasm in all his work this week.
Sports Award - Hunter P - 1/2CD - for being very helpful, and showing great basketball skills.
Got Ya's
Lukas B – Bourke – for being a great helper.
Archer D – Mitchell – for helping in class.
Matilda C – Mitchell – for helping in our class.
Ethan P – Hume – for helping out his teacher.