Mr David Whewell | Principal

Teaching and Learning

Whilst we have many opportunities at PPPS for students to be involved in intervention programs to lift student performance, lately some other initiatives have presented themselves at our school. Creative Minds is back for 2024, with the extension program running each Thursday out of our beautiful new library space. We have 35 students involved in these exciting sessions. Another opportunity is the ICAS testing program which is very popular at Plenty Parklands. We have 85 students enrolled in the ICAS competition which allows students to challenge themselves against similar aged children across the country.  


Reptile Show 

Last week 30 of our EAL and International students enjoyed a visit from Reptile Encounter, who brought with them many interesting friends including a snake, crocodile, lizard and a green tree frog. Other popular visitors included a turtle and stick insect. Thank you to Ms Tennent for your organisation and Bu Ladd for allowing us to use the Ruang!




Principal Conference

On Monday, Jenny Loorham, Diana Mitrevski and I had an early start as we made our way to the city for the Government Schools Principal’s Conference at the Exhibition Building. The theme for the day was ‘Leading together: inspire, learn, network’. We were fortunate to hear from several educational experts and had time to connect with leaders from other schools across Victoria. We gained greater insights into resource allocation, the teaching of Reading and ways to re-engage absent students, that we now plan to implement at Plenty Parklands. 


Visit from the Arborist

Across Tuesday and Wednesday this week we have hosted a team of arborists who initially completed a tree audit at our school and then spent two days trimming trees, removing sick plants and ensuring any dangerous overhang was cut back. This free service provided to schools has had a positive effect on the look of the school as we head toward spring, as well as improving student safety. Mr Surkitt has planting plans for the coming months so look out for the next stage of our grounds development. 


Upcoming Curriculum Day

Please note that Monday 12th August is a curriculum (student free) day. Our staff will be engaging with a mathematics consultant, Dr Ange Rodgers, who will be developing their capacity to teach your children. Whilst I appreciate the challenges that curriculum days can cause for families, please be assured that the staff will be hard at work as they continue to strive to be the best educators they can be.   


Book Week Approaches

In the week beginning Monday August 19th we will be celebrating Book Week. PPPS has a range of activities planned including, an Author Visit and some fun competitions. We have received a few questions regarding why there is no dress up day. The reasoning behind this decision is that we had one in 2023 and will again in 2025. Having the dress up in alternate years was based on spreading activities evenly across a child’s seven years at primary school and to balance financial pressures on families.   


New Toys for our Students 

Our sandpit toys have arrived, the Hot Rods are in for our new Match box car club and the classroom sports equipment is in transit. All these extra play items are available to our students due to your families support of our special food days. Thank you once again! 

David Whewell | Principal