
100 days at school!

We finally made it! After a long wait and lots of counting the days, the Prep students were finally able to celebrate their 100th day at primary school. This exciting achievement was enjoyed with cookies, cupcakes and dressing up as if we were 100 years old. The students also participated in a parade and performance at Assembly to showcase their outfits and share a 100-day poem that we had been working hard to remember. Congratulations to all the Prep students, here’s to the next 100 days!

Police visit 

The Preps had a special visit from two Police officers, Sara and Milan. They talked to us about all the different branches of Victoria Police and all the important jobs that they do for our community (117 different jobs!). We were also lucky enough to have a look at the equipment and tools that they carry in their vests, including flashlights, batons, handcuffs and radios. We had the chance to speak with the operator on the radio and say "Hello” to all the police officers in the local area. After this, we had a chance to try on a piece of Police uniform, either a jacket or hat, and visit the Police car while they played the sirens for us. Such an exciting experience for our Preps!