
Exciting Science Week at EHPS!

We had an incredible Science Week last week with engaging and educational incursions from the Mad About Science facilitators that thrilled our students. The Living Things workshops and the Mad Science and Liquid Nitrogen shows captivated everyone's attention. 

During the Living Things workshops, students had hands-on experiences with worms, stick insects, microscopes, and plants, gaining a deeper understanding of various organisms and their habitats. Many students bravely held insects and participated in demonstrations, making the sessions even more interactive and memorable.

The Mad Science Show was particularly spectacular, offering a multitude of exciting experiments and demonstrations. Students learned how different forces act on objects to make them fly. They levitated beach balls and participated in applying their newfound knowledge about air. They discovered that air is invisible, odorless, all around us, takes up space, and exerts pressure; it can even be used to create giant smoke vortex rings with an Airzooka. Additionally, they learned about the two types of electricity: static, where electrons build up and stay in one place, and current, where electrons flow in a circuit. They also discovered that fire requires three things: oxygen, heat energy, and fuel, and observed various chemical reactions, learning that these reactions often create new chemicals and are frequently irreversible.

During the Liquid Nitrogen Show, students were thrilled to discover that liquid nitrogen is so cold it can boil at room temperature! They eagerly learned to identify solids, liquids, and gases and were excited to explain what happens when you add or remove energy from these states of matter. They also explored physical reactions, where mixing two or more substances changes their appearance, even though no new chemicals are created. The highlight of the show was when the students witnessed the incredible elephant toothpaste experiment, with the foam flying up so high it nearly touched the roof! The excitement and energy in the room were contagious as they absorbed all these amazing scientific concepts.

Years 2 and 5 students will participate in their incursions next week, on Tuesday 20 August. 

Students from Prep to Year 4 also put great effort into creating Science Week posters, which are proudly displayed in the Library windows. Their creativity and enthusiasm truly shone through in their work. Our goal is to make our school a hub of scientific learning where students can nurture their curiosity about the world around them. We are excited to continue the tradition of Science Week and incursions at our school for many years to come. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the parents for your continued encouragement and support of your child’s learning in science. This week’s success would not have been possible without the dedication of our Essex Heights teaching and education support staff, admin staff, Assistant Principals, and Mr Perini.

Kind regards,

Simon Liao

Prep to Year 4 Science Teacher

National Science Week

National Science Week is currently being celebrated around the country, running from Saturday 10 to Sunday 18 August 2024; for Victorian events and activities - click here.


Family Science Games Night

Deakin University Science Education Academics are proud to be hosting the Family Science Games Night for National Science Week again this year.

This event is perfect for families who enjoy science and games. Our games include board games for all skill levels and ages as well as bingo - a family favourite.

Registration is free, essential, and online at Humanitix – see the link below. We have limited capacity – so please be sure to register early.

Thursday 15 August 2024

The event starts at 6.30pm and will go for two hours. 

We operate in the Atrium between buildings N and M on the main Burwood campus of Deakin University.

Tickets for Burwood 

We hope to see you there.