
Sayembara Lisan Indonesian Speaking Competition

On Saturday 27 August, 17 students from EHPS competed in the final round of the Sayembara Lisan Indonesian speaking competition. They participated with great enthusiasm and confidently showcased their Indonesian skills to the judges. They have made us all very proud of their extraordinary achievement. 

In the end, six students obtained winning positions and were invited to the Award Night at Melbourne High School last Friday, 9 August, where they received their winning prize and certificate. 

Congratulations to all the finalists and winners of the Sayembara Lisan competition 2024. We hope they have enjoyed the experience and will continue to challenge themselves in the future.

  • Year 1 - Penelope C (2nd place) 
  • Year 2 - Mia F (2nd place) 
  • Year 3 - Abheeshta C (2nd place) 
  • Year 4 - Nika D (3rd place) 
  • Year 5 - Ira V (2nd place) 
  • Year 6 - Rami P (1st place)

Indonesian Day / Hari Indonesia

Hari Indonesia (Indonesian Day) was celebrated on Wednesday 14 August. This wonderful annual whole school incursion is an exciting opportunity for all students to further explore Indonesian culture as part of our Indonesian language and cultural program. The children participated in a lot of fun in-class and outside activities and games. Snacks were prepared for everyone to enjoy. A whole-day incursion was also organised for students to learn Indonesian dance and perform it in front of their peers. 

The dress code for the day was red and/or white, or Indonesian batik.

The lolly guessing competition raised funds for the Orangutan Foundation. The students guessed the number of lollies in the jar prepared by Bu Gladys. The donation was 50 cents for each guess. The person who guessed correctly took the lolly jar home. 

The program timetable was been published in your Compass News Feed. The day included the Suara Indonesia dance workshop, Independence Day games, Congklak Olympic and Becak rides during lunch play, and concluding with a special assembly, starting at 2.30pm in the Stadium. Selected students will deliver a special performance from the dance workshop at the Assembly. Many parents/guardians attended the Assembly. 

Thank you for your continuous support towards our Indonesian program. 

Terima kasih!

Bu Gladys

(Gladys Wangke)