
Shirley Wong

Hello, my name is Shirley Wong (Ms Wong) and I’m the new Librarian here at Auburn High School. As a qualified teacher & librarian I have worked in tertiary and secondary school libraries for more than 20 years. In my career I have always had education at my heart.

This quote by Laura Bush sums it up “Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open” 


I’m active in the library profession and always keep up to date with current trends and advanced practise.


I am very happy to be joining the Auburn High School Community and look forward to improving the library services and programs. Please come to see me if I can help with any library(print or online) resources or just to say “Hi”.


In my spare time I enjoy walking, reading and live theatre. One of my favourite parts of my role is organising author events, so that is one of the activities on the long list. I know of  a few authors and welcome all suggestions you may have too! Have a think and, tell me which aurthos you want to meet. 



Shirley Wong