From the Principal

Ross Pritchard

Dear Parents and Carers,


Onwards and upwards, and on to a new term. I hope that students, and staff, and their families were able to have an opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and connect during the holiday period. I was extremely fortunate to travel to Canada with my family to celebrate the graduation of my stepdaughter from a school on Vancouver Island. Spending time in a Canadian High School and meeting with the Principal, was interesting and thought provoking. In Canada, most of the Year 12 graduates receive advanced offers from universities halfway through their final year. Universities use Year 11 and semester one Year 12 results, standardised testing, as well as leadership, service, and other personal statements to determine places. Once advanced offers are received students must maintain their grade averages for the offer to be honoured. The final exams in Year 12 in Canada are internally assessed. Standardised testing occurs at different times across the Year. Another difference is that assessments are much more varied (ie project based, extended essays, as well as testing). Students can display their understanding in different forms. The final difference I will mention is that every student must do a form of maths, science, and indigenous studies in year 12. Due to this there is more variety in the subjects offered to cater for different pathways and cognitive levels. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority are making some changes, and the new version of the Victorian Curriculum has been released. There are some adaptations to our curriculum that involve more learning outcomes that are enquiry based, or skill based. Auburn High is ahead of the game in this regard as we already have an enquiry focus in science, project work across all faculties, an extended essay in Year 10, the IB in Year 11 and 12, and High Impact Teaching strategies that are encouraging our Auburn Learner Qualities. With our school continuing to grow, we will continue to look at ways to improve our educational opportunities and programs. Observations, school visits and conversations amongst our community are essential it this improvement.


There has been constant change to our school staffing. In recent times, staff have been relocated to outer suburbs as local housing is expensive. Whilst young, staff can rent close to our school, however family homes are less accessible for them. As you will be aware there is a teacher shortage and this year, we have often not been able to fill vacancies as quickly as we would like. For example, presently we have a vacancy in English Humanities, Health and Physical Education, and in our Careers and Pathways coordination role. If the community has anyone who may be interested in joining us, please let us know via the school email address. 


I would like to thank Robyn Boardman who is leaving Auburn to start a role at Thornbury High School. Robyn is our careers and pathways coordinator and she has been an invaluable resource to students, staff and parents as she has guided students to take on the life post secondary school. I would also like to thank Nicholas Szabo (HPE) for all his contributions in his time as Sport Coordinator, extra-curricular coordinator and classroom teacher. We wish Nicholas all the best as he returns to study a Psychology degree. 


Our leadership team is also undergoing change with Kristie Satilmis beginning her role as Principal of Brunswick South Primary School this term. Kristie will be acknowledged by staff at a morning tea next week, and a dinner with her leadership colleagues. Kristie leaves after over a decade of service to the school where she has made significant contributions to all aspects of the school – curriculum, wellbeing, facilities, and whole school programs. No doubt we will see Kristie at Auburn events later in the year. We are currently completing interviews with internal candidates for the Acting Role and I will announce the changes as soon as possible. 


Next week the Year 8 students go to camp. Despite the wintery conditions the camp venue provides a huge range of activities and past students have enjoyed the time away from the city streets, and the classroom. I thank the Year Level Leaders Jesse Weymouth and Melinda Roberts for their organisation. Twelve staff will be attending to ensure that all students have a safe and enjoyable time. I look forward to visiting them. 


Until next time, 


Ross Pritchard