Senior School News

Year 12 Students Volunteering

We cannot express how proud we are for this heartfelt gesture by Nikita and Phoenix S. who spent some time in Cambodia volunteering with another ex-student Jacinda.

Nikita and Phoenix turned 18 while on their recent trip and instead of presents from themselves they went to the local markets and made forty gift bags for the local children. They then celebrated their birthday cake with some very excited kids.


Travelling over with their families, the students are helping kids at a new school which has recently been opened with the help of fundraising work by Cosi Andrew Costello.

RoboRoos - S.A. Student Robotics Association 

In an exciting showcase of innovation and teamwork, the RoboRoos - S.A. Student Robotics Association recently participated in the annual robotics competition at Science Alive, held at the Adelaide Convention Centre.  Among the performers was Matthew T, a talented year 10 student, and his dedicated teammates.


The RoboRoos’ robot, aptly named “BBQ Shape,” wowed audiences with its precision and agility. The team’s hard work and ingenuity paid off as they demonstrated their creation’s capabilities during the event. But their success goes beyond the competition floor.


Securing sponsorship is crucial for the robotics clubs, especially considering the hefty $10,000 entrance fee for participation. Fortunately, the RoboRoos received support from Rockwell Automation, allowing them to compete without financial constraints. This sponsorship not only benefits the team but also fostered a culture of collaboration and learning.

During one of the demonstrations, Matthew T. took on the role of commentator. His enthusiasm added an extra layer of excitement to the event, highlighting the technical aspects of their robot and engaging the audience.

The RoboRoos’ journey exemplifies the power of STEM education and teamwork. As they continue to innovate and inspire, we eagerly await Matthew's next robotic masterpiece.


Well done, Matthew.

Year 12 Mid-Year Examinations

The Year 12 Mid-Year Examinations will be held this term during week 5: Tue 20 - Fri 23 August. Please click here for the Stage 2 Mid-Year Exam Timetable.


Please ensure that your child is aware of the following:

  • Exams will be held in the old Kindy building behind the HASS block.
  • Students need to arrive 10 minutes prior to the beginning of their exam.
  • The exams are 2 hours 10 minutes in length, except the English Literature Exam which will be 100 minutes. If the exam is an afternoon exam it will finish at 3:40pm. Students will need to find alternative transport if this is later than their usual bus.
  • Students need to sign their name on the roll before entering the exam room.
  • They need to bring their own fully charged laptop and charger if the exam is a digital exam. Please contact if a school laptop needs to be borrowed for the exam.
  • Students need to bring their own pens, pencils, rulers, eraser and approved calculator (if a calculator is needed).
  • Laptop cases and pencil cases are not allowed in the exam room.
  • Mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed in the exam room. Students cannot listen to music while doing their exam. Earbuds/headphones are not permitted in the exam room.
  • Students may bring water and snacks into the exam. The snacks must be small and not noisy. They cannot disturb other students doing exams.
  • Students may not talk or look at other students work while in the exam room. If they have a question, they need to raise their hand and an invigilator will approach them. The invigilator cannot help them with the exam.
  • If students need to go to the toilet during the exam they need to raise their hand and an invigilator will take them to a toilet near the exam room. Students will not be given additional time if they go to the toilet.
  • Students cannot speak at the end of the exam. They can speak once they have left the exam room.

 If you have any questions about exams, please contact:


 Julie Mohtasham, SACE Leader:

Try-A-Trade Day

In Week 10 of last term a group of Year 10 students attended a full-day of Try-A-Trade industry immersion program thanks to ATEC. 


Across the day students learned about carpentry and plastering and worked in small teams to build a stud-wall and plaster it. 


A big thanks to ATEC for running the day and providing some excellent insight about life in these trades and potential pathways



Many of these students are also studying in our special Year 10 Exploring Construction Pathways course that builds on their skills and capabilities to best prepare them for a successful career in construction