The Arts News

Rising Star

One of our very talented students Amber R, also known as Rebma Rose, has just released her 3rd single - “ANNA”


You can listen to her latest songs on Spotify here:

 Amber has also entered her songs into the Triple J Unearthed High competition. Let’s show our support by listening, leaving reviews, and sharing her talent


Share this link and get voting:


 Amber also participated in the Adelaide Guitar Festival Winter School at The Festival Theatre during week 2 of the holidays. Last year, she wowed us with an original song at The Dunstan Playhouse and this year was no different.


Share Amber’s Triple J link, encourage reviews, and stream her songs on Spotify. Let’s support our homegrown rising star.


Amber has also been featured in CityMag's monthly "Adelaide's Best New Music" article which features a monthly round up of Adelaide's best new music.


You can read the article here - Adelaide's Best New Music 


Year 10 students in Fashion Design have been exploring clay as a wearable art material and completed wearable artworks for a small-scale exhibition in Art 2 under the theme of ‘Wild at Heart’. The works have been viewed by other classes in the Arts space over the past week.

Students used ceramic glazes and learned how colour changed during the firing process and when interacting with different colours of clay such as terracotta which had extreme colour changing results. 

Students also needed to consider how they would go about joining materials and integrating jewellery hardware with their delicate ceramic pieces. Special thanks to Mr Wood in Technology for supporting us with tools to manipulate metal components.


Photographs of exhibited pieces can be seen on display in the front office foyer space this term. Well done to all our contributing artists.

Music Ensemble Night

To finish term 2, the Aberfoyle Park High School extra-curricular ensembles presented a performance to families and friends. Additionally, six year 12 soloists presented their second performance for assessment, accompanied by Mr Nisan Tuazon.



Ensembles included the Big Band, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble and Choir, which included 85 students across year 7-12. Students have worked together through the year to learn their music ready for this performance, additionally this was the second formal assessment for the year 12 ensemble music students. 

It is always wonderful to see the hard work students put into their music learning, as a final product, and to see how student’s progress and gain confidence in their music skills every lesson. 


This was the first music performance in the new theatre, and music students are looking forward to many more performances in the future.