Italian Immersion Program

Italian Primary School Poetry Competition 2024


On Thursday 28th November we welcomed grade 5 and 6 students from Wales St and Preston Primary Schools to take part in our annual Italian Primary schools' poetry competition. Students recited poems written by our own students of 8G:


ItaliaMargaux Richardot

L’Italia è fantastica

ma il traffico è terribile.

È un paese in Europa

ma la strada è invivibile!

La torre di Pisa è instagrammabile

e il Colosseo è grandissimo!

Il profumo del cibo è incredibile

è molto famoso e gustosissimo.

La mafia è spaventosa,

gli italiani parlano molto forte,

ma l’Italia è favolosa.

Lo stile, i vestiti, i gioielli… che belli!

Io voglio andare in Italia oggi.


Due ragazze e il ciboTia Dong & Tilly Colwell

Tia, lei ama condividere ogni buon cibo.

I suoi dolci e le sue torte portano gioia infinita,

sorride a tutti con cuore gentile e dolce.

Ma di fronte egoista e avida,

Tilly siede, sorvegliando il cibo.

Non condividere, non essere amichevole.

Tra Tia e Tilly si compone una storia:

Una è generosa e gentile di cuore,

l’altra rappresenta l’egoismo e l’avidità.


In addition, 8G helped run the day, showing the primary school students where to go, being part of juries to decide the winners, and providing an entertaining school tour. We were also fortunate to have our Year 11 Italian students make an appearance, helping the younger students learn Italian songs and acting out role-plays using typical Italian hand gestures. 

Prior to announcing the awards, we gathered for lunch together in the sunshine, and many of our senior students joined us to reunite with their primary school Italian teachers, proudly telling them how far they have come on their language learning journeys since grade 6.

A big thank you to 8G students in particular for their help on the day!

Italian immersion program reflection - 9G

It was with some sadness that 9G shared their final classes as a form group after 2 years of supporting each other through the challenge of CLIL. This group of students has formed such close friendships and established a wonderful sense of community through the collaborative approach to learning they have engaged in as part of the program. When asked to reflect on something they have learned in the immersion program that they will always remember, these were their responses:


“I’ll always remember to be open to new experiences and to just remember to have a laugh among all the work.”


“It’s ok to be wrong and make mistakes.”


“The people and the relationships we have made with each other.”


“I learned that together we are powerful and smart and can make a difference working alongside others instead of being alone.”

For their final Italian lesson, we started the class as always with a ‘sondaggio di classe’ (class survey), and for the first time ever the whole class was in agreement, each student responding to the question “Have you enjoyed being part of 9G?” with a very enthusiastic “sì!”.

It has been an incredible privilege to be part of such a special community of students committed to learning, and we look forward to watching these students continue to grow as they move up into year 10 and beyond!


- Alessandra Borg, Head of Languages