Christmas at Donvale ...

Tim Dehn, Community Relations Manager

The natural surroundings here are a perennial delight, but each year the anticipated celebration of Christmas brings us a beautiful tree in Reception. Thank you to our resident horticulturalist, Chris Horn, for this extra delight.


So welcome to this edition of Now and Then, our twice-yearly digest of what's been happening around Donvale Christian College. 


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Now to what follows.

  • Acting Principal Viv Stapleton (Tim Argall was away on leave at the time) considers the impact of phones in Chosen by Algorithms?
  • Developing our Talents - DoT Week brings to life an extraordinary week in Primary 
  • In Beginnings Steve Venour considers the significance of how you start - whether that's just today's lessons or something much bigger
  • What Am I Doing Here - is a beautifulthought piece on the simple nature - and responsibility - of Christian Education
  • In Praise of Music ... just what it says!
  • Create to Advocate - Year 9 students' annual art project with a purpose
  • German Exchange 2024 - a brief snapshot - three Year 10 students share their experience of hosting a German student as part of the exchange programme
  • Animation: a Test Case for Whole Child Education - shows just what media students really get up to
  • And it's done! - the opening of the Senior Secondary Centre in September
  • Our Jubilee Party -  video reminders of who we are and where we've come from,  introducing my successor, and some light Christmas listening
  • Finally, absolutely don't miss Donvale alumna Chennell Allan (2002), our guest In The Spotlight - science, family, volunteering and ... acronyms!

Do feel free to share this with other Donvale alumni you think may be interested; and I'd love to hear from you if you've got comments or ideas about how we could improve Now and Then. Use to get in touch.


May you know God’s rich love and presence as you celebrate Christmas and anticipate what He may hold in store for you in the coming year.